I’m with my friends at EMCO in Aruba. They are moving out of their old building (which once housed Aruba’s only agricultural business, Aruba Aloe.) They are moving to a new building on the same property. The resourcefulness of garment decorators and their ability to adjust to local circumstances never ceases to amaze me, and EMCO is no exception. Check out what they are doing and then compare at the end to the move by Black &Whyte Screenprinting.
With my buddies Godlieb (left) and Siggy (Center) at EMCO in ArubaWith no windows and an opening at the peak of the roof, you best cover your nice MHM press for the night.By any means necessary… a borrowed generator just placed amongst the trees. Mid-move they had to print shirts for big Aruban holiday and they had no electricity yet in the new bldg.In New England we put pipes 4 feet in the ground, 1/4 inch down in Aruba works.The compressor, just sitting outdoors, something you can do in a country with less than an inch of rain most months.No doors or windows? Who cares, let’s print!
This had not been moved yet but it still works, an Aero Multiprinter 40 years old. They will still be using it.And an American Centurian also almost 40 years old and still works. With hyrdraulics and so heavy duty it will apparently run forever.The screen room, half outdoors.Believe it or not, it still works.
The “inspiration” used to get ready to print the next day.Rolling!
156 mesh “window”. He says they will be going with 110 tomorrow for more air…
And then for contrast, this week in Alberta, Canada the team for Black & Whyte are not deterred by a little ice and snow and cold.