The Ink Kitchen will have our “Know-It-All” booth at #505. We have many industry luminaries stopping by, some cool shirts to check out, wanted and unwanted advice, recommendations for every aspect of the garment trade and decorating garments, and a few free cool gifts. For what we don’t know, we have a Magic 8 Ball. Come by and say hello please.
We also have our AC food recommendations with White House Subs right up there near the top of the list.We’ve got the Magic 8 ball to answer any questions that we don’t know the answers to. More importantly we have our Ink Kitchen “Guide to the Show” for our recommendations of what to see at the show and what to check out that is not at the show as well.We’ll be wearing these comfortable Hanes Nano hoodies, and whaddya want to know?
The booth is set up and ready to go, #505. It’s a few rows to the right from where you come in.Ray and KC are wrasslin’ with the booth today but Friday through Sunday they will be answering questions along with Rick and Pam and Deb as well as a bunch of visiting know-it-allsOne of the coolest things at the show is at the Hirsch booth, an MHM press that screenprints but also incorporates a Kornit digital direct to garment printer. It’s the Paradigm IIand Kornit DTG prints are looking better and better every show it seems likeA Workhorse manual press. We have one and love it. I mention it because the show has stuff for shops that run one manual or haven’t even printed a shirt yet, and have stuff for the biggest shops out thereI always love talking shop at the Rutland booth and checking out their samples. This is a faux applique I had not seen beforeHirsch also has one of their single head embroidery/laser units. Fascinating stuff you can do with it.American Apparel, cool stuff as always and as always it’s made in the U S of AGotta love our buddy Barry. This is his Albatross venting unit for spot removal along with a Red Sox shirt I gave to this guy who lives in NYLon Winters is one of the real good guys in the industry and I got to shoot the shit with him today before he gets busy tomorrow selling his boxes of “how to print black killer shirts”
Stahl’s and Transfer Express have every kind of transfer solution you can think of and I’m sure many you would not dream of