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Rick Roth Page 36

American Apparel Lives to Fight Another Day

Several sources today say that American Apparel has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This does not affect screen print shops, don’t get your (skimpy American Apparel) panties in a bunch over it. Without giving it much thought I can think of at least five large companies in our industry that have been through Chapter 11.…

It’s a T-shirt Bro

These knuckleheads videotaped their fishing encounter with a weird looking but not rare sea creature called an ocean sunfish. The video of them declaring “it’s a tuna bro” and thinking it was some sort of sea monster went viral. They are trying to capitalize on their Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame (go look up…


I”m on shaky ground here and I might lose half of our readership by posting this. Most of the country hates the Patriots, but I’m admitting here that I’m a huge Patriots fan and huge Tom Brady fan. There is a new commercial out and I”m not really a fan of the product and it…

Farm Aid Part 2

It isn’t often that you know your shirts will be in the hands of folks like legends Willie Nelson and Neil Young. We saw Willie wearing his, which I’m sure would be a thrill to any t-shirt printer. I’ve had some folks ask where they can buy the shirts featured in the Monday post on…

Jakprints – the Future of Printing Now

I was stoked that the road back from Farm Aid passes right by Jakprints and I got to see my buds the owners Jacob and Dameon and my other buds working there LT and Jeff and to talk shop and as always to have a good time. My take on Jakprints is that two skatepunks…

Farm Aid 2015

There is  Willie Nelson (with Imagine Dragons) at Farm Aid 2015 wearing a shirt we designed and printed at my shop Mirror Image. It is always a thrill to see your handiwork up on the big stage and broadcast around the globe. Folks at my shop including Pam, Brian, KC, Ruth, Aimee, Ray and all…

Dye Migration, the Screenprinter’s Nemesis. Part 6. Poly White as a Partial Solution

Another tool in fighting dye migration is “Poly white.” We use Rutland’s “Super Poly White” but other companies have similar formulations. In some ways the game has been upped. Once you could sometimes use cotton white on 50/50’s and a white for 50/50’s would always work. Now sometimes we can’t even count on the dye…

Too Good to Be True? It is. Phun with Phony Orders.

I got this email this morning: “Dear Customer, We are interested in purchasing some of your products to Solomon Island,can you send us complete catalog or website? also be informed that our mode of payment for this order is via credit card. We anticipate, your prompt reply. Kind Regards, Ken” It looks like an awesome…

Great Maintenance Tip: Where’s the Oil?

Today we take a break from our dye migration series for a simple maintenance tip. I know that for maintenance,  folks have all kinds of ways to make sure it is done. There are checklists, sign off sheets, and clipboards full of notes and they are initialed, signed, and blah blah freakin’ blah. A signature…

Dye Migration, the Screenprinter’s Nemesis. Part 5. Endurance Grey as a Partial Solution

Oops, sorry, wrong Endurance. That featured image is the ship The Endurance which was stranded in Antarctic ice leading to one of the most amazing stories of survival, that of Ernest Shackleton. Although… maybe successfully printing on bleeding dye migrating fabrics is nearly the challenge that Shackleton faced. The story today is actually about Endurance ink, which…

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