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Rick Roth Page 46

Dye Dye Dye

It seems almost every day somebody asks another dye migration question. In this case we received a garment dyed shirt with very bad dye migration into the white and light ink colors. We test printed one of those same problematic garments  with a Rutland poly white underprint and cotton white overprint got great results. With…

T-shirts in the News Every Day Now

It seems like every day now I see a protest shirt on somebody in the news. Honestly, I think there is plenty to speak out about and shirts have been and always will be a way to get your message across so in fact it is not really surprising. The first shirt I helped somebody…

Mosiac Redux

In 2005 while trying to help raise money for Katrina disaster relief, we came up with this mosaic style design using a high density base giving the tiles some height and overprinting the various colors on top. We’ve pulled this style out of the archives with a remix for WMBR which is a community radio…

T-Shirt Printers Making Things Happen (with Help of Celebrities)

Pro Basketball At Nets’ Game, a Plan for a Simple Statement Is Carried Out to a T LeBron James, Jay-Z and More Made ‘I Can’t Breathe’ T-Shirts Happen in the N.B.A. T-shirts in the news again. A front page New York Times article today on LeBron James and other players wearing “I Can’t Breathe” shirts.…

I Can’t Breathe

Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls makes a statement with a t-shirt last night. That is a t-shirt that is going to be seen millions of times. Simple and to the point like a good t-shirt should be.

Protest Shirts on the Spot

Our translator is in NYC and can’t translate a post for Sunday because she is in NY.  There are massive rallies going on in NYC tonight. I ran into this in my twitter feed tonight about the rallies. The ACLU is giving out free shirts at the rallies protesting the police killing of Eric Garner…

The Fitted T-Shirt, Full Circle. Marlon Brando.

The hottest fashion of the past five plus years is the fitted t-shirt. It is interesting that the biggest jump in t-shirt sales ever was after Marlon Brando wore one on screen in 1951. Not only did he start the fashion of wearing t-shirts, he also was way ahead of his time. It turns out…

Fashion Trends – Part 5

And this ends our dip into the world of fashion that we covered over the past week. Of course no discussion of fashion trends in the t-shirt world would be complete without a mention of American Apparel. Echoing some of what we heard from other brands and of course taking a bit further, here is…

Fashion Trends – Part 4

San Mar has emails you can sign up for to get a head up on style developments, they call it “The Style Network.” You can view it here. Among trends they identify are new uses of neon color accents, pockets, “sporty” casual athletic looks, further advance in polyester technical pieces, and use of mesh. They…

Fashion Trends Part 3

Wednesday I pointed out some trends as identified by pals in the industry, and here is the third part of our five parts on fashion trends in the screenprinting world. Mike Manning of LAT’s talked about the promotional world more and more looking like the retail world. He sees his retail oriented pieces increasingly being…

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