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Rick Roth Page 54

Minimum Wage Art

Bob “Smitty” Smith has an “enterprise” he calls Minimum Wage Art. A few examples follow: – a great shirt design of his that we print is a map of North America titled “Indian Territory.” Search around the web and you can see Willie Nelson, Johnny Depp and a few other characters wearing it. – a…

TBT – Process Master, Andy Anderson.

Andy Anderson is a screenprinter in located in Nashville, TN. His process prints are as good as they get, and they have been great for a long, long time. My shop mostly does simulated process. We originally did that because we found it so difficult to do traditional CMYK printing. Andy does it the old…

Web Wednesday –

In my travels on the web, I ran into  I love the work that they do and I absolutely flipped for this great line on their site: “If your only concern is “how much per thousand stitches?” let’s not waste each others time. Search engine results pages are full of companies that offer “Discount Custom…

Garret Kaule – Enthusiastic Screenprinter

Garrett Kaule is one energetic dude. He prints and prints and when he isn’t printing he is communicating. He has a lot to say to his customers in the Pittsburgh area, and he communicates like crazy with his screenprinting brothers and sisters. He’s the straw that stirs the drink.  We love his enthusiasm. We asked…

Misprint Monday – Avoid Rulers!

Is a design crooked, off center, too low, too high or rotated right or left? If you are asking about it, probably it is a reject. If you let something go through and the customer gets a ruler out, you are done for. Shirts are made by real live humans and printing (and loading) is…

No tires esa tinta de descarga

Dos trucos que ayudan con esto: 1. Puedes mezclar todas las tintas de colores que necesitas pero espera hasta el último minuto para añadir la tinta de descarga. Si tienes un proyecto largo añade el agente sólo a la cantidad de tinta que vas a usar el primer día. 2. Esa tinta de descarga funciona…

Don’t Toss that Discharge Ink

Discharge ink has a “pot life” of only four to six hours. Once you add the discharge agent, the chemical ZFS that makes the shirt discharge, you can only use that ink for so long before it no longer will discharge. Two tricks that help with this. 1. You can mix up all the colored…

Illusion vs. Reality in Design

The original design of this Octoberfest Lederhosen shirts was to go from the top seam of the shirt down to the bottom of the  shirt, bleeding off the top and bottom and if possible going up over the shoulders of the shirt. There are ways to get that done, but at a considerable cost and with…

TBT – R.I.P. Tommy Ramone

Tommy Ramone passed this week. He was great. 1,2,3,4 Hey Ho, Let’s Go. 2 minutes, bam, bam, bam. “It wasn’t just music in The Ramones: it was an idea. It was bringing back a whole feel that was missing in rock music – it was a whole push outwards to say something new and different.…

Web Wednesday – Kung Fu Nation

Bill Mooney and Barbara Herring started Tannis Root and Kung Fu Nation in 1987. They serve the music business and are very good at it.  They are good people and it is always a wonderful thing to see nice folks succeeding. In fact, I think they succeed because they are good folks. Their customers really like them…

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