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Rick Roth Page 61

Misprint Monday–Spellcheck is Not Always Your Friend

Their is a problem with relying only on spellcheck, isn’t their? Won example is this Akademiks shirt. The client was the “urban” brand Akademiks, with a stylized A-K-A-D-E-M-I-K-S as there name. In one case, the art must have been “spellchecked” and it got corrected to be spelled “academics.” Sometimes your write when your wrong, if…

Not Just Going Through the Motion

My partner in crime for The Ink Kitchen is Tom Davenport. Check out the video he just made at his shop to see how t-shirts are screenprinted in the modern world. Its a cool ride through a very clean shop, a cinematic trip. See a shirt design from start to finished product at Motion Textile.

TBT – Kiss at City Hall

Circa 1990 we color separated this photo at my shop Mirror Image, one of the most famous photographs ever taken. It was for the publisher Fotofolio and it had to be approved by Robert Doisneau himself.  We separated and printed this job 16 times until we were satisfied with the result and when the sample…

A Brother in Need: Jimmy Bones

At last year’s ISS Atlantic City show I was introduced to Jimmy and Drew from American Icon Screen printing in Newburgh NY.  It was great meeting Jimmy, clearly a good dude, and a fellow printer who clearly has a real passion for what he does. The night before Thanksgiving Jimmy was run over by at least…

In the shirt, on the shirt, above the shirt.

TBT Hail Thursday! Old post on depth in screenprinting. Digital is all well and good, but screen printing is deep man. Screen printing has depth. This is a great shirt to illustrate the point. Notice the grey area, that is curable base, no pigment. You can also use very low pigment percentages up to 15%…

Web Wednesday – has to be the most decorator friendly garment website yet. Clear easy to find pantone numbers, easy PDF’s for colors and styles, useful product and lifestyle images, quick navigation, and the first ROI section I’ve seen.  

Hanes and Andrew Verga, the Printer’s Friend

Yeah, Hanes is a sponsor, but they were a preferred vendor long long before that. It is interesting to see Hanes which is probably the most “established” shirt brand be at this point one of the most cutting edge in terms of fabric technology, screenprint friendly tools, and product development. I have a new Nano…

Domingo Gigante — Gomas

Algunos comentarios tras el post de ayer de Tom sobre la goma: – La goma (squeegee) es probablemente el elemento más subestimado en casi todas las tiendas que he visitado. Puede arreglar muchos problemas pero es casi imposible hacer una buena impresión con una mala goma. – No confíe en la compañía que fabrica su…

More About Squeegees

A few comments  of my own after Tom’s longer post on squeegees yesterday. –       Squeegees are probably the most underrated item in almost every shop I have visited.  You can overcomes many problems in a shop, but it is almost impossible to do good printing with bad squeegees. –       Don’t trust the company that makes…


Do not watch this video if you are a hoarder. Tom and I have some hoarding tendencies, you can see us fidget a bit as Paul Gallagher, successful CEO of Hirsch International and a most zen individual, tells of his making the Hirsch offices more efficient and by doing so, his elimination of “things.” One…

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