You can check out a state of the art screenprinting shop tomorrow in Sacramento, my buddy Tom Davenport’s shop is pretty awesome. You can see a video of it here, but actually it is more impressive in real life. In person will be best, but we’ll also have photos and videos the next few days, look for them on this site but also via Facebook and Instagram. You can bus over from the Printwear show at 630 or make it here yourself anytime tomorrow.
Big damn thanks go out to Hanes, SanMar, Hirsch (Tajima, MHM and more,) Alternative and all the Ink Kitchen sponsors. It is a benefit for the Sacramento food bank.
Hey, besides the tour of the shop and chance to see how Motion Textile does their thing, we have beer, food, and a totally rad rock and soul band called the BellRays.
We also have free cool stuff and promise no rabbits were harmed in the creation of this event.
Show up to get a free Alternative shirt. Lucky you!Bash posters for all. Beer tickets for all, Sam Adams even! All printed by our friends at Jakprints.If you are in the garment and/or decoration biz, you want to see Motion Textile.This will be transformed to a stage tomorrow and the BellRays will rock and soul you, promise.How awesome are our sponsors, we will have big fun, free great stuff and make a substantial donation to the Sacramento Food Bank.Invites and beer chits. See you at the show or at the event.Come on and see Motion’s new Saati auto coater.Awesome DTS and exposure cabinet at Motion, by Douthitt. Mark from Douthitt will be here explaining anything and everything you want to know.Lots of GSF screens and the new Saati set up for reclaiming screens.Rutland ink, lots of it, come on and we’ll tell you anything you want to know about it.Tom mixing up a special ink for your special shirts.Hirsch folks will be here to tell you anything you want to know about the best presses in the industry, by far, the MHM.New Tajima embroidery machines which will be in action. The newest generation are better than ever. Hirsch folks here to tell you anything you want to know about them.Super soft and super righteously made shirts by AllMade. Some lucky attendees will get them.Bayside totes are in the house, the specialize in USA made shirt and totes and even union made shirts.Los Angeles Apparel makes great stuff in great working conditions, right in downtown LA. We’ll be throwing some cool decorations on them and a few lucky folks will get one.If you want a women’s cut of a shirt, our attendees will all get a super soft Bella shirt.
Alternative shirts for all, how cool is that. Lucky you.You can see your own very cool SanMar cap embroidered or put a transfer on it.You want to hear why Tom uses GSF frames exclusively? Come on down.New Saati designed reclaim system.