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Embroidery Page 3

Solvy: en Español

Solvy es una lámina plástica manufacturada para la industria del bordado. Se coloca sobre cualquier superficie de tejido, por ejemplo: sobre el  acrílico de un sombrero o encima de un polo de punto. Solvy permite acabados uniformes y un detalle más fino ,respetando las puntadas del tejido sobre el que se aplica. Se utiliza poniendo…

Misprint Monday #1

This is first in a weekly series of “Misprint Monday” posts. Oh, if we only lived in a world where there was not so much material, so damn many mistakes. Of all the regular columns on the Ink Kitchen, this may unfortunately be the easiest to fill. This one is a common error this week.…

Solvy Salvation

When you have a coarse weave such as an acrylic knit hat or pique knit polo shirt, you can get the embroidery to come out well with digitizing if you are a jedi master of embroidery, but a simple “trick” for mere mortals is to use Solvy on the surface. Solvy is a plastic film…

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