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Screenprinting Page 35

Mis-Print Monday: The Big Purge

As a followup to my recent post showing several pallets worth of accumulated mis-prints, I’d like to share a few points/answer a few questions: First off, why do we save our mis-prints in the first place?  Don’t we just turn them into test print material? This has been addressed in a previous post titled “Spoilage Management”   Secondly, and…

Discharge, you got me again

Today we have a guest post from our buddy Brett Bowden of Printed Threads.  On the topic of discharge printing Brett shares a very useful trick with us: A while back Rick wrote a post about using nail polish to block out registration marks on screens being used for water based inks.  What a good…

Mis-Print Monday: Spring Cleaning

We’re doing a little spring cleaning at Motion Textile.  The following photos represent several years of accumulated mis-prints.  Ugly…

Shirt of the Week: Unathletic

Jim Seery is a drummer in the bands the Coffin Lids and Triple Thick as well as the chef at the Plough and Stars in Cambridge, MA. I’m not sure whether he is athletic, but I’m sure he’s got a good shirt. Like most good shirts, it is simple and to the point. The word…

Misprint Monday: Markers to the Rescue

If you have printed shirts that are out of register, there is a good trick to fixing them. Get a permanent marker and color the white underprint that is showing with either the ink color, or in this case it was easier to color with the shirt color. Better yet, pay attention and don’t let…

Print Staging: Part 1

At Motion Textile we are revamping our print staging protocol and I figured it would be fitting to share as we go though this process. Step 1 Completed: New Job Carts We ordered 30 of these beautiful carts from GSF to replace the flat shelf utility carts we have been using for years.  While the utility carts are ideal…

Watch What You Wear

I just attended the Human Rights Conference of Amnesty International. There I heard of  case of Mahmoud Hussein who is a 19-year-old student in Egypt.  He has been languishing in an Egyptian jail for wearing a “Nation Without Torture” t-shirt. He was arrested but not been charged or tried for any offences. He has been tortured and…

Product Testing: DM130 and the “Hawaiian Surfers” Sample Print

Sanmar asked us to do some print testing on the new tri-blend tee from District Made®, the Mens Perfect Tri™ Crew Tee DM130.  First we tested each color in the style for both dye migration and discharge reactivity (images and results below).  Once testing was complete we proceeded to develop a vintage styled surf print to compliment the ridiculously…

How to be a Better Printer: Spend a Little $ Wisely

Question: Our printing doesn’t seem to be getting better, what are the best ways to go about improving our printing abilities?   Answer: My two cents? Stop being penny wise and pound foolish. Saving twenty dollars and buying a gallon of inexpensive but inferior emulsion is a terrible idea. Inferior emulsions don’t have the resolution…

Misprint Monday: Bad Art

Maybe it is because we do a great deal of creative and difficult printing, or maybe I was a jerk in a past life and this is my karma, but for some reason I get to see a whole lot of bad art for t-shirts. The worst of it often is not only bad, but…

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