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Screenprinting Page 53

SGIA 2014 – A Biased Tour Part 1

SGIA 2014. Did I see anything new? Well not that much but that doesn’t mean at all that it was not worth attending. I saw friends. I talked to new vendors. I had time to talk face-to-face with established vendors. I got to talk shop with other owners. I got to see what is trending and…

Mis-Print Monday: Details Are Everything

The viscosity of soft plastisol inks will result in an increased amount of ink expansion or dot gain.  When printing a detailed graphic with soft plastisol inks one must compensate by adding a “choke”.  We typically add a 0.25 – 0.5pt stroke (centered to path/selection).  In the following example this corrective measure was not taken, the…

Fallos de Impresión: ¿Por qué no se ha curado la tinta?

Hoy tenemos algunas fotos de una compañía de camisetas a la que un impresor informó de que las prendas quedaban fatal después del lavado. Podrán ver las fotos a continuación de este post. Por lo que veo la tinta no se curó y estas pueden ser las causas: La falta de curado puede ser debido…

Money Isn’t Everything: Making Shirts for Good

Besides a way to make money, printing shirts is a way to do some good. We do shirts for my local Amnesty International chapter and they make money that pays for stamps and all kinds of things for the volunteers to do human rights work. Recently we did some dye migration testing and did some…

SGIA 2014

Stopped by the MHM booth at SGIA. I was pretty excited to hear they will have their entry level press and their oval at Long Beach ISS. They are delivering these machines already. I had seen them in the factory but now they are full in the field. The oval is one of the coolest…

Great Trade Show Booth

Note the beer tap in the foreground. KIWO really has the ideal booth in our industry. They have their DTS unit so you can see it working, they have their  best most knowledgeable staff, and they know how to be hospitable and friendly, and of course beer helps with that. More technical posts from the…

SGIA Expo Today!

The 2014 SGIA Expo Las Vegas begins officially today.  Rick and I will be posting for the duration of the show.  If you are attending and you have purchased a session package come see our panel discussion today: Session: S20: Garment Decoration Dream Team: Stump the Experts Time: Wednesday, October 22, 3:00 to 4:30 PDT…

SGIA’s 2014 Golden Image Competition: Who Am I to Judge?

Well, the 2014 SGIA Expo Las Vegas kicked off for me today with Golden Image Awards judging.  If you are planning to attend The Expo this week take some time to see the Golden Image entries.  Here’s a preview…

Mis-print Monday: Why Is the Ink Not Cured?

We got some photos today from a shirt company and they had a printer reporting that the shirts looked like crap after washing. You can see the photos at the end of this post. The ink is not cured from what I see and this is what I told them can be the causes: Undercuring can…

The Right Way to Double Squeegee Stroke

I just can’t stand to see an automatic press running dog slow because of a double squeegee stroke.  Aside from special effects printing, water-base/discharge, the occasional quick fix on a small run, or a specialty substrate, there is rarely a legitimate need to run a double squeegee stroke.  Today however, we are running a basic spot…

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