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Screenprinting Page 56

Arte para las camisetas, no arte para todo

Demasiado a menudo un cliente insiste en que la imagen de sus camisetas debe de estar a conjunto con los carteles publicitarios, señales, posters, carpas, anuncios revistas, etc. Farm Aid y el artista que creó el logo, Kathy Keller hicieron un trabajo estupendo, especialmente creando variaciones para web, pósters, tickets y lo más importante para…


Marshall Atkinson’s blog has some good tips on hiring for screenprinting. I particularly like his idea of hiring for the right attitude and then training for the skills. I have a couple simple additions. – Don’t hire people to unload or catch only, if they can’t load don’t permanently hire them. An eye for quality…

Don’t Let This Happen

There is no such thing as a perfect ink mixing system (or even a really good mixing system).  Formulas are often inaccurate by several shades (yes, I’ve experienced this consistently across several mixing systems and it is not for lack of a high-end scale).  So what do you do when you know a color will…

Simple Machines

I just love simple machines. This heat transfer machine for putting on labels is fast, accurate and safe. We have done hundreds of thousands of transfer labels with it. – You need two hands to make it come down (a green button on each side) so you can’t get your hands caught under the stamper…

Web Wednesday: WSJ Talking T-Shirts

Here’s a great article and video by the WSJ on finding the perfect t-shirt.  Enjoy…

Winning and Losing Baseball (Shirt Version)

I talked to my good friend and great sports mind Mike Manning this morning. He said he loved that the Royals won the wild card play-off game in a walk-off 12th inning comeback. “Even with all those ex-Sox guys on the A’s?” I asked. “We’ve got tons of inventory in Royal and we had nothing…

Multi-Color Foil: A Clever Trick

We recently pulled off a multi-color foil without an in-line foil setup.  How you ask?  A manual press, a super hot flash, and a teflon coated screen.  I think you get the idea.

(Near) Misprint Monday: First Print Approval

It doesn’t happen very often but when it does I always ask myself the same question, “how did we all miss this?”.  A typo, right in front of your face goes unnoticed by all involved parties: designer, end-user, distributor, and printer.  It is only caught moments before production is set to commence during a “first print…

Pawtucket Film Festival Shirts Through the Years

I have been producing the Pawtucket Film Festival for 15 years and we are in the midst of the 15th this weekend. Of course we have to have a new t-shirt every year. Here are about half of them on display.

A Nice Thought for Friday…

I thought this was a nice saying to start the weekend.  Rutland Discharge White Plus, 20″ x 20″ jumbo print on a 28″ x 28″ 100% cotton, J. Crew Bandana.  Happy Friday.

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