Over the years our floors have gained a level of crust that is very hard to clean. We always wipe up ink when it is spilled, but alot of times a stain is left over. Just mopping is not really enough to get the floor clean. A month ago I decided to invest in a floor buffer. We purchased one from Uline. By the way, if you purchase anything from Uline, ask for a quote before you buy it. They will almost always give a decent discount. The floor buffer comes with a stiff red bristle brush attached to it. We mixed some ink degradent and water 50/50, through it on the floor and cranked up the buffer. It takes a little bit of time, but the floors we have scrubbed so far all look brand new. Maybe check this out if you like cleanliness: https://www.uline.com/BL_8872/Floor-Cleaning-Machine?keywords=buffer
Before buffing. Kinda gross.After buffing. Much better.