New England PrintFest is coming to Mirror Image in an oh-so-conveniently located facility in RI on the MA border. It’s an easy drive on 95 or 495 from Northern Jersey to Maine, fly into Boston or Providence. June 21 and 22, come for either day or both.
The emphasis will be to get into it with experts in a real shop, hands on.
We have a great line up of folks that know what they are talking about, you would pay them thousands to come to your place for a couple days and here they are at your disposal for a song.
Michelle Moxley: expert on ink, printing, and production will talk on Artificial Intelligence, a force to be reckoned with. She is way ahead of the curve while being down to earth on this subject that will be affecting all decorators.Tony Palmer: Printing expert, he has worked in the trenches from Japan to Jordan. He is a humble guy that knows printing inside and out, fast set-ups to HD special effectAndy MacDougall: Andy proves you can be an entertaining good guy while being an expert, flatstock being his thing. He will also tell you all the reasons that reports of the end of screenprinting is a bunch of bull. Thinking of printing posters? He can get you started on shoestring. If you are already doing it, he has a wealth of information to improve your work.John Magee: We love a guy that is passionate about printing shirts, dedicated to his customers and loves teaching. He will be talking about special effects inks or helping you out if you are new to color matching.Steve Palevich: This guy is who you want on your side in a bar fight, but we won’t be going there. Instead we will be tapping into his knowledge as a master digitizer and expert on embroidery. Machine maintenance, thread tensions. backing choices and more will be covered.Rick Roth: This guy is a know-it-all and has a t-shirt with those words on it to prove it. Hopefully he will leave most of the talking to the experts and focus on the bar-b-q, beer and band brought in for the event. However, he will be around to share what he has learned from over thirty years of making mistakes in this business.
Don Newman, Mark Diehl, Greg Jensen, Ken Abruzzese and Florian Freilinger: These folks will be there and more. There will be a whole host of folks with a ton of experience to answer your every question whether on screens, presses, DTS , DTF, reclaim, etc. Whatever you want to know we will have an expert to share information and answer questions.
This is a really amazing event.
Make the time to attend