This progressive print is one of our “Award-Winning” prints, named first in an April contest. Motion Textile and Mirror Image combined skills to create this Uber print, a real metaphysical marvel, a post-modern achievement.
The radius of the Circular Pattern was particularly of note to the judges, as was the prodigious Quality and Quantity of Tack, both in Image Quality and On the Anterior Surface of the Garment. The judges were “Stuck” on this Print and it Narrowly Defeated several other prints: 1. An All-Over Print that Covered the entire surface of both the front, back and inside of the shirt (one dissenting judge commented on the originality of that piece, “I’ve never seen that before, extremely original!) 2. A triple pair of lederhosen that went from bottom seam on the front, up over the shoulders, down the back and onto the model’s ‘”skivvies” (quote that same judge, “so so so original!) 3. A tone on tone super distressed piece where one could literally not see the print from any angle.
A panel of judges determined that we were “Decorators of the Decade” and that was before they even saw this print.
Against such competition we were super happy and honored to produce such an “Award-Winning” print. One judge called it “complex in its simplicity.” Another said, “I would probably buy one, probably!” And yet another, “color and light, color and light, magnificent sort of.” And yet another, “It’s nice and I think it’s really good.”
Early version of print, several of our best printers were later able to get it into focus for the final press runDue to the Proprietary Nature of Our Process, High Security Measures Have to be TakenOur state of the art facility where all the “magic” happensAnd of course protective gear is OSHA mandated (you all remember OSHA, right?)The Key to any good print is the press operator (non-union). Here she studies the Art Form and Spec SheetOur Special Organic Ink depends on Ferrets Who are Ferreted out by Special Ferret Hounds (german, “Wursthund”) It takes over 40 gallons of Ferret Guano boiled down make one gallon of inkDue to the Varied Diet of the Ferret, a Rainbow of Colors are Possible the Organic Ink Selection ProcessSpecial Pallet Paper we used for this print, Technically called “platen paper, single ply”45 Line or 55 Line or even 110 Line are for Sissies. Maximum Print Quality Only Happens at Line Screens Topping 1K to 2K (proprietary) which requires one to two strong men and a barrel of chemical to make one complete filmThe Highly Technical Print Requires Razor Sharp Squeegees, Here, Just Before Dismembering His Digits, a Former Craftsman at Our Plant Trims the Squeegee Rubber all the Way up to the Holder, Giving MAX sharpening, Beyond Triple Durometer, Up to Five or Six MegurometersNote that the Final Print is “Out of Round” which can only be achieved by a combination of Roll On Pallet Adhesive and Two Full Time Workers Whose Only Task is to Spray Aerosols
The key is seen in the close up, the Knuckle must be white!Good Printing Begins and Ends with Super High Tension. Here Two Workers Stretch and Stretch, the Worker on the Right was a New Man or the Tension (and print) Would have been even higher.