Tulowitzki not Tulowizki. I feel for the artist, printer, loader, unloader, folder, boxer… and especially the owner of the shop that printed 15,000 shirts incorrectly for the Colorado Rockies jersey giveaway. The baseball team isn’t doing well, and the promotion didn’t do well either.
I do not know a printer that has not printed some shirts with an incorrect spelling. If the fault is the customer, the artist, … whomever, it is still a very unhappy situation. The first big mistake we made at Mirror Image is that we printed 600 shirts with the City of Lawrence spelled incorrectly. To add insult to injury, we spelled a right and wrong not only on the same shirt but even the same side of the shirt and nobody but nobody noticed. We counted 18 people later that could have caught the mistake and didn’t. In this case, ouch, ouch, ouch…15K times ouch.
Statement by the Rockies: “The Colorado Rockies offer our sincere apologies to the fans for the misspelling of the Troy Tulowitzki King Soopers jersey that was distributed tonight. The Rockies would also like to apologize to longtime corporate partner King Soopers, who was not involved in the production of the jerseys.
Acknowledging that many fans came to the game for the jersey, rather than disappoint them, we decided to go ahead and hand them out.
We have made plans to reproduce the jersey and fans wishing to exchange will be able to do so at a future date (TBD) in September at Coors Field or the Rockies Dugout Stores. In addition, fans exchanging the jersey will receive a complimentary ticket to a future game in 2014 or 2015.”
There but for the grace of God go you or I.
