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Misprint Monday: “Beg for forgiveness, say you’ll never do it again, pay a reasonable settlement and move on with your life.”

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that the Chicago Cubs and Major League Baseball are about to make a massive crackdown on copyright violations (whether real or perceived) in the coming weeks. The Major League Baseball Playoffs are upon us and big bucks are at stake. Where big bucks are at stake, you always will find lawyers and big business. Even a letter of the alphabet, namely a “W” in the wrong color, might put you at the wrong end of a lawsuit. Lots of folks are selling stuff around the stadium and on-line and despite what they might say, we know that blue and that C mean the Cubs.

Big lawyers usually win. Frankly most of this stuff tries to walk the line of not violating copyright, but they fool nobody and we know it is all Chicago Cubs stuff. Probably most of the folks should take the advice cited in the article, and “…beg for forgiveness, say you’ll never do it again, pay a reasonable settlement and move on with your life.”

The once underdog Cubbies might win, but the underdog vendors are unlikely to even take it to game 7.


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