When our buddy Mark Bailey of Sanmar first mentioned that they would be releasing a new performance fabric known as Posicharge which would eliminate the need for low-bleed inks, I was dubious. A couple of weeks ago we had a chance to work with this product in production. IT WORKS!

Sanmar produced a nice little video to demonstrate the characteristics of this new product, you can watch it here.
Do you use a flash? Or was it one hit? The reason I ask is that the sales rep told me all you need is one hit of white. I kinda laugh too myself, but they were convinced it was one hit and that’s also why you can print faster without the flash I wad told. Love to hear your thoughts.
This was two hits: white under, white over. I have never, ever, ever, bought into the idea of a “one hit” white unless we’re talking nylon jackets or transfers.