With generous assistance from Next Level Apparel, Hanes. 613originals, LAT Apparel, SanMar, and Jerzees we have organized fundraising to help in North Carolina, devastated by the hurricane there.

Contrary to some info being bandied about, Elon Musk has not solved all the regions communication problems and many isolated areas remain that, extremely isolated. With roads out, power out, and originally over 50 percent of the whole state’s cell service down (and almost all in the Western part), it is a huge problem of many problems there.
To start we are supporting Operation Carolina Connect that is restoring communication in rural areas where there is not cell or internet service and may not be for a long time.
Buy a shirt, spread the word or by all means feel free to donate directly or find some other charity to give to. If you donate, please do your research, there are scams and there are charities with crazy high administrative costs. Also keep this on your radar, folks there are going to be needing help for a very long time.