We interrupt our fashion series to mention that shirts have always been a means of expression. You’ll eventually see everything on a t-shirt, the profound, the ignorant, the silly, the poignant and more. You’ll see individual expression, expressions of solidarity, selfless promotions of peace and justice, and cold calculated grabs for. Sometimes it all gets jumbled up and confusing. The country certainly has a lot of soul searching to do, as an unarmed black man should not be shot dead and left on the street for four hours. Put the blame in lots of places, but don’t say it is ok.
There are some painful stories regarding Michael’s parents. There is the portrait below with shirts that express their personal and our social pain. And then there is a story of Michael’s mother allegedly trashing a booth selling shirts, with no indication whether that was greedy, anti-greed, or something else. Michael’s father also got flack for wearing a shirt with his son’s face on it that said, “Gone Too Soon” but the shirt had a spelling mistake.

Love the fact shirts can make an impact and send a message. Cool post. -GK http://www.KaulesScreenWorks.com