You never know where inspiration will come from!
Back in the mid to late 90’s, high density and dimensional printing was all the rage. We now had another print dimension to work with and I took to it like a duck to water. I was constantly looking for textures and patterns everywhere I went as inspiration for working into a dimensional print.
Part of my job description was to figure out three unique and clever ways to print the logo of the brand I was working for at the time for each season.
Standing in line one day at a kosher deli in Lakewood, NJ, I noticed this really cool pattern on the yarmulke worn by the guy in front of me.
I immediately saw how I could build it in a print and that pattern turned into one of my seasonal offerings. It went on to be one of the best selling logo prints of that season. I’m just glad I was in the mood for Kosher that day!
