Twelve years ago in March I was labeled a “Maverick” by Counselor Magazine. Interestingly, my partner in crime here at the Ink Kitchen Tom Davenport was named as one of the 25 Hottest Movers and Shakers in the industry in April of this year by that same Counselor magazine.
Here’s the Counselor piece about Tom
You can also see Rachel Newman our pal at Hanes who is also a hot Mover and Shaker along with Tom.
And here’s the Counselor article that came out about me as “maverick” .
I work closely with two of the original fivemavericks. There are two Ink Kitchen pieces about Dov Charney, who was one of those five mavericks:
and John Lynch was another maverick, he still runs his company LYNKA in Krakow Poland and partners with me on various projects
