I’ll do a future post on tips and tricks for avoiding errors. Here is one that reared it’s ugly head. Last week we sponsored the Pawtucket Film Festival. I focused hard on not messing up the name of one of the musicians. Her name is spelled A-L-L-Y-S-E-N which is unusual at least in the States (she was born in the UK.) I was so focussed on getting that right that I missed the misspelling of her last name which is “Callery” not “Cassel. ” Three other people that work for me missed it as well. At least we only had to re-do a few posters and it was caught prior to making programs and shirts.

Her performance went great and she loved the posters…
I relearned to take a deep breath and check my work a few times and get someone else to do it for me as well…
We always had a problem with principals and teachers spelling their own school’s name wrong when giving us an order and then no one realizing it until some volunteer parent is helping to hand out shirts.
Did you screen print the posters?
No, we didn’t happen to do these. We have done some posters for art or political projects ( not for $) but not these.
Sorry, we did not screenprint these particular posters.