A Utah company specializing in right wing apparel was fined $211,000 for bogus (the government actually used the word “bogus”) claims about their shirts being made in the usa. They were fined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for ripping out Made in China labels from shirts and sewing Made in USA labels into the shirts. The FTC besides the fine forced the company to stop making Made in USA claims, and to “come clean about foreign production.”

The company did themselves no favors by recording videos admitting their shirts were made in China and claiming that them sending them out in packages meant they were made in usa (who thinks that makes any sense?)
This blatant lying caught the company up in the relatively new campaign of the FTC to bringing legal fines over false Made in USA claims. These penalties help legitimate Made in USA companies to stop this type of fraud that previously required expensive private lawsuits.
The FTC guidelines are very clear and you can find them on a page with a somewhat humorous title (hey for the government it passes as quality humor to say “threading” about apparel laws) “Threading Your Way Through the Labeling Requirements Under the Textile and Wool Acts”
You can read the whole FTC ruling about the Utah company here.