In our on-going series on masks, i.e. face coverings, we cover decoration.
The varieties of ways to decorate masks and other face coverings, some of which then have different methods associated with them.
- transfers of a variety of types
- sublimation (also a form of transfer)
- embroidery
- pad print
- direct screenprint (with a variety of inks)
- Direct-to-Garment (DTG)
Then there are a variety of face coverings
- bandanas
- gaiters (“buffs”)
- single ply masks
- double or triple ply masks
- masks with pleats or conical, that basically don’t sit flat
These all may be made of cotton, polyester, or a blend of the two.
In the coming week or so we will cover each of the decoration techniques and all of the types of masks in more depth, but here are a few examples:
Face masks can be cotton, poly or blends and here are a few decorations techniques:
We’ll cover these and more decoration techniques in more detail in future posts.