Best piece of equipment in the shop in terms of bang for the buck is my folding safety box opener.

The opener has a nub to split the tape on the top of the box, so you don’t cut the shirts. (We once did work for a big retailer and they made us put cardboard inside every box so they could cut open the boxes like savages I guess. I suggested to them that we instead put stickers, that would say, “Be Careful Asshole!” but they insisted on the waste of the cardboard.

Then their is a tiny blade that retracts that you use to open the sides of the box.

And it folds in your pocket without danger.
And they only cost about $3 (unless your friends at Hanes supply you…)
and think of the money you save on sliced shirts, band aids, and worker’s comp claims…
Thanks for sharing! I’ve been looking for something like this. We use the “T” blade openers the Klever Safety makes at our shop… but I wanted to find something like this that we can customize and gift to our customers so that they think of us every time they open a box of custom shirts.
That said… it backfires real quick if they cut the shit out of themselves when they do it – so wanted something designed to be “safe”.
We ship our shirts out in custom boxes that are made with a slight overlap on the top flap so that you can’t cut down into the shirts on top… our box manufacturer recommended this and it works really well.