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Business Page 28

Lockout, Tag-Out, or Tap-Out

We were recently audited by our workers comp carrier.  The inspector seemed to be most concerned about whether or not we have a “lockout-tag-out” center and written policy.  We do.  During similar inspections performed by OSHA and other outside parties this always seems to be the area of highest concern.  Why?  Granted, automated presses are…

Pad Printing

We have a guest post today from good printer and our good buddy Brett Bowden, El Capitan of Printed Threads in Dallas, Texas. [divider type=”black|thin|thick|short|dotted|dashed” spacing=”10″] There are many ways to print interior tags on shirts.  Tom’s post a while back showed the small screen printing presses that have hit the market in the past…

Dov Charney leaves American Apparel

Dov Charney was terminated by American Apparel last week. I see quite a few articles calling him a “sleezebag” and lots of folks really seem to enjoy seeing him fall. There are quite a few inaccuracies in the reporting, and most people don’t know the man. One article says he was partly fired for using…

Web Wedneday – Recycling Ink Blues, Recycling Blue Inks

We took some ink just sitting on the shelf (295C) and made it into an ink we needed to print today (539C) We test drove the Rutland recycling system within their DMX software and it worked out great. This is no cure for getting rid of all the ink we all have sitting around, but…

FREE SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!

I have a radio show on a local community station near me, WMBR. In honor of Willie Nelson playing in town today we gave away a free Farm Aid shirt. Now I just started this show “If 6 was 9” a couple of weeks ago and haven’t really built a following yet, but when I offered…

Web Wednesday– from a Designer’s Perspective

Every now and then during the course of a crazy day when questions are flying about garment styles and available colors and you find yourself thumbing back and forth through catalogs throwing little pieces of sticky notes between the pages to save the sections you’ll need to go back and reference… you discover that someone has…

La Cocina de tinta se va a la FESPA Digital 2014 – Transferencias

A pesar de ser un show digital, la impresión digital directa no ha impedido otras formas de decoración, ni ha parado la innovación de otra manera. La transferencia es una de las técnicas que tienen más fuerza, aquí vemos nuevas formas o mejoras para las transferencias. Éstas resisten la migración del tinte o pueden ser…

The Ink Kitchen goes to FESPA Digital 2014– part six: Transfers

Although a digital show, direct digital printing has not stopped other forms of decoration, nor stopped innovation in other forms. Transfers were one form going strong, here we see new forms or improvements for transfers that resist dye migration or can stretch with the new fabrics, apply to odd shaped substrates (shoes!) or machines that enable quick…

The Beauty of Craftsmanship

A booth with a display of furoshiki, tradtional Japanese wrapping cloths, caught my eye at FESPA Digital last week. It was a Japanese company called Denatex, who were promoting their new zero-emission, smoke-free sublimation transfer system. They collaborated with a traditional furoshiki maker from Kyoto to create their display items, which were beautiful. And they were handing out squares of printed…

The Ink Kitchen goes to FESPA Digital 2014 – part one

A few notes from  FESPA Digital in Munich, Germany: Progressive companies in the USA are now part of a global system, they are here in Munich seeing what is going on. Environmentalism is not dead, the rest of the world is passing the USA by. Not so many heads in the sand here (or is…

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