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ISS Long Beach 2019 Shop Talks: Bill Garvin

Want to know what $8 piece causes 85% of the problems that happen with your $25,000 embroidery machine? Watch this Shop Talk by Bill Garvin and find out.

ISS Long Beach 2019 Shop Talks: Michelle Moxley

Michelle Moxley, of M&R, reigns supreme as the queen of special FX screen-printing. When it comes to cutting-edge apparel decoration and treatments in a high-volume production environment she can teach you or school you, either way she’ll blow your mind with her legendary work.  

ISS Long Beach 2019 Shop Talks: Jakprints

Nobody knows DTG like Jacob and Mike of Jakprints. Here’s the truth on DTG from the guys who’ve grappled and tamed this beast over the past 10 years.

Patriots Win! (Again…) Hot Market Printing

We printed Patriots victory shirts  on Sunday night.  Yes again. We might be the shop with the most practice at this hot market printing in the country, printing over 30 conference or world championships between the Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins. You can even throw in a couple of UConn, Eagles and Yankees victories…

The Totally, All-New, Impressions Shop Talk, Hosted by Ink Kitchen

We were thrilled to host Impressions Shop Talk at ISS Long Beach 2019.  Thanks to our collaboration with Impressions and the participation of our good friends we were able to present some of the best and brightest minds to the industry in a fun and candid format.  Perhaps you were there, maybe you weren’t, either…

Dov Charney and Our Youtube Channel

Ink Kitchen has a Youtube channel with a bunch of interviews. There is a three part interview we did with Dov Charney (CEO of Los Angeles Apparel and founder of American Apparel). You can watch the first part here: The man can talk and he covers a whole lot of ground in a relatively short…

Interview with Marcia Derryberry of Impressions at ISS Long Beach 2018

If you go to one trade show in a year, it should be the ISS Long Beach show. All the major players are there and you have the opportunity to see in-person what you might be interested in buying for your shop. It’s also the absolute best place to meet and network with other screen…

Misprint Monday: Why Out of Register? Let Me Count the Ways…

I just joined yet another screenprinter’s group on Facebook. The groups are good ways to share knowledge with your peers. They also are a good place to share  complaints with each other, since our families, friends and co-workers long ago stopped wanting to hear about such things. This group had an interesting initiation, to keep…

7 Truths and 7 Lies for a New Year

Some reflections at year’s end on lies and truth in our industry, here are a lucky 7 of each for you: Lies: “One Coat” ink is the answer to all your printing problems.” I made that name up, but no ink is the answer to all your printing problems. There is no miracle white ink…

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