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FFF: Illustrator SEPARATION Script CUSTOM Underbase

Continuing with Illustrator SEPARATION Script CUSTOM Underbase – This week’s Separation SCRIPT update handles underbases with more complexity. It will ask you for the HEX code of any color you do not want to underbase and skip that color in processing, so now you can sep without underbasing a dark purple for example. This allows the sep to be customized to the print.

The multicolor script from last post update only skips black in this instance. The only challenge here is the document has to be in color mode RGB. I am trying to script a ‘close enough’ mode next that will allow it to be in any mode RGB or CMYK, but this will require a lot of testing in my opinion, for now the same rules apply as before, with one additional.


Here is the script. This week it is called Illustrator SEP multicolorOPTIONAL UB. Check back for the next step in the process.

I am still fine-tuning, so either take it over and customize it or follow us for more refined version, and if you need a reminder on how to use it check here, or here.

Rules for using my script:

  1. Make sure there are no extra colors or invisible colors, use your pathfinder and UNITE everything that is each color and eliminate everything else.
  2. The script does not size. I will likely add that moving forward, so size your art to the preferred size.
  3. Make sure the document is in RGB – File>Document Color Mode>RGB -this is so you can pick your HEX to skip when underbasing, allowing for custom underbasing. (For now it only allows ONE Hex option to skip, next I will add more)

Ok, have fun! And let me know what else to add to it. Next- special rules for blacks and whites and halftones. This custom Hex Script is not handling pure white #ffffff yet, so make it an off white or step back to Illustrator SEP Multicolor.


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