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ISS Long Beach 2019 Shop Talks: Jakprints

Nobody knows DTG like Jacob and Mike of Jakprints. Here’s the truth on DTG from the guys who’ve grappled and tamed this beast over the past 10 years.


  1. What is a “Tie-Resin” Pigment ? or did he Say – “Bi-Resin” Pigments ?
    which will give you more coverage per every gram of Ink -Jet Ink that ?

    For these ink -jet machines, is the ink a mixture of Resins to give more coverage ?

    If so, what are the mixtures of Resins ? Pu + Acrylics mixed ? Or others ? that can give you more coverage per gram of ink jet inks ?

    1. Without listening to the whole Shop Talk again, I would guess he said dye-resin pigments. Not sure I understand the question about it.

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