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Nice Guys Finish Shirts

So, we all get asked to fold and bag shirts on occasion. For us, it might only be once a month or so… which does not necessitate purchasing a folding machine. When we do get asked, we are usually being asked to fold thousands of shirts however. Trying to get a floppy shirt into a bag and look decent was a challenge I was destined to overcome.

For the folding of shirts, we use a Flip Fold… the kind from the TV commercials. There are many knockoffs of the original Flip Fold, but let me tell you, they are cheap crap. The real flip fold will last a lot longer. Also, you can get the Flip Fold in all kinds of colors. We like black, because black is punk rock. Find them here:

In order to keep our shirts shapely and slip them into bags quickly, we put a rectangle piece of chipboard on the back of the shirt before folding. This makes the shirt kind of stiff and slides into the bag very quickly. It is a couple of cents extra cost for us, but it speeds up the game… and efficiency is key.

Just make sure to measure your flip fold to order the right size chipboard pads and bags. You can find everything you need at Uline.







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