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Blog Page 31

WB/CAMP 2019: Michelle Moxley of M&R

Michelle Moxley, of M&R Companies, presents: Money-Ball Screen Printing Rigorous statistical analysis was used by the 2002 Oakland Athletics baseball franchise to assemble a competitive team simply by taking a radical, yet sophisticated approach to analyzing players that traditional scouts had labeled as flawed. So, what does baseball have to do with screen printing? In…

WB/CAMP 2019: Tony Palmer, of Palmprint & MHM

Tony Palmer, of Palmprint & MHM, draws on 30 years of direct experience with water-based printing to deliver practical advice for efficient and effective production…

WB/CAMP 2019: Dave Makin, of SAATI

Dave Makin, of SAATI, discusses screen-making fundamentals for water-based printing…

KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Safety Application

KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Noted by the US Navy in 1960, this is an engineering principle used from mechanical to software applications. I’ll keep it simple today. Safety procedures and devices that are not simple, that are complicated, are pretty useless in my experience. The person that follows some very elaborate safety scheme or…

WB/CAMP 2019: Danny Gruninger, of Denver Print House

Danny Gruninger, of Denver Print House, discusses the joys and headaches of water-based print production…

Mainstream Bootlegs Everywhere

The Washington Post this morning has an article about how Amazon aids and abets thieves in selling counterfeit merchandise. This is rampant in the t-shirt world as well. I regularly have to police all the many many sites selling shirts that have bootlegs of even my non-profit and charitable organization clients. Printers have to get…

WB/CAMP: Water-Based Printing Summit 2019 Highlight Reel

WB/CAMP was an event like no other; great people, great fun, and so much to learn! We will soon start publishing a full series of talks and interviews, but for now, the highlights… WB/CAMP was made possible by a generous group of sponsors and participating companies… Bella+Canvas Douthitt GSF Green Galaxy Ink Kitchen M&R MHM…

We Had a Great Time and Did Something Good

A few weeks ago we were able to hang out with all of our industry pals at Panther City Print Party. The Post in Fort Worth was nice enough to host us and after all of the good times and shenanigans that you already read about, we tallied up a bunch of cash that we…

Misprint Monday – Shipping Woes, Tips and Tricks

We recently had a new employee ship a package via UPS to a US Post Office box and it was a very important shipment. UPS does not generally deliver to a USPS box. We were lucky and this was a concert venue that gets lots of packages and UPS automatically reroutes them (with a charge)…

Panther City Print Party 2: Good Times for a Great Cause

Last week, at ISS Fort Worth, the Ink Kitchen and Hanes threw the second annual Panther City Print Party to Benefit the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition. With the help of our generous sponsors and attendees we were able to raise over $5k for a great cause, all while having a great time amongst friends.  The…

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