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Blog Page 56

Mis-Print Monday: The Big Purge

As a followup to my recent post showing several pallets worth of accumulated mis-prints, I’d like to share a few points/answer a few questions: First off, why do we save our mis-prints in the first place?  Don’t we just turn them into test print material? This has been addressed in a previous post titled “Spoilage Management”   Secondly, and…

Discharge, you got me again

Today we have a guest post from our buddy Brett Bowden of Printed Threads.  On the topic of discharge printing Brett shares a very useful trick with us: A while back Rick wrote a post about using nail polish to block out registration marks on screens being used for water based inks.  What a good…

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! April 22nd has been the annual day since some folks started it in 1970. After witnessing the terrible Santa Barbara oil spill Senator Gaylord Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media. He persuaded Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded Republican Congressman, to serve as his co-chair; and recruited…

Dumb Theft by the Gap, Plain and Simple

The above Facebook page is the official page of the band (and very good band at that) The Shins. The GAP was selling The Shins shirts and another band without permission. I think that is called stealing. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Gap removed the items, I should hope so. You can buy the…

That Order That Sounds Too Good to Be True

That order that is too good to be true? It is too good to be true most likely. Take a deep breath and delete it. Via the comments we got this request at the ink kitchen yesterday: Am interested in purchasing some blank t shirts and below is the specs and quantities needed.order: Brand:Jerzees/Gildan Size:Adult…

Mis-Print Monday: Spring Cleaning

We’re doing a little spring cleaning at Motion Textile.  The following photos represent several years of accumulated mis-prints.  Ugly…

Shirt of the Week: Unathletic

Jim Seery is a drummer in the bands the Coffin Lids and Triple Thick as well as the chef at the Plough and Stars in Cambridge, MA. I’m not sure whether he is athletic, but I’m sure he’s got a good shirt. Like most good shirts, it is simple and to the point. The word…

Misprint Monday: Markers to the Rescue

If you have printed shirts that are out of register, there is a good trick to fixing them. Get a permanent marker and color the white underprint that is showing with either the ink color, or in this case it was easier to color with the shirt color. Better yet, pay attention and don’t let…

Print Staging: Part 1

At Motion Textile we are revamping our print staging protocol and I figured it would be fitting to share as we go though this process. Step 1 Completed: New Job Carts We ordered 30 of these beautiful carts from GSF to replace the flat shelf utility carts we have been using for years.  While the utility carts are ideal…

More Than Cool

We got a “cool” new sample in a cool piece of packaging from San Mar and Hanes today. A water wicking shirt inside of a water bottle. The shirt is my new favorite, the X-Temp which has the nice feel of some of the thin fabric shirts that are 60/40 but it is cut so…

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