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Blog Page 58

Soft Shirts in Soft ColorsSome: Comfort Colors, SanMar, and Hanes Coastal Colors

At ISS Long Beach in January Tom and I did some seminars in the SanMar classroom on printing on Garment Dyed shirts. A few of our words of advice: use good platen adhesive to promote good registration, and re-apply more often than usual. At my shop we mostly use Albatross Brush Tac and then some Albatross spray when…

Misprint Monday: MHM Safety

Today we have a guest post, including a sobering video, from our buddy Paul Riva (Apparel Graphics in Oakdale, CA) regarding shop safety: It pays to play safe. Today I was informed of an incident in the shop. Nobody died, limbs are intact and there were no trips to the ER… this time.  As the video…

IK Shop Visit: Our Pal Brett Tours with Till and His Medium Sized Shop Which Is Called “A Small Print Shop”

This shop tour is by our brother-in-arms Brett Bowden El Capitan of Printed Threads in Texas. I have known Stephen Till for years through music.  It is to my delight that he has become a brother in the screen printing world as well.  While spending some time in the mountains of Colorado, I took the…

Brushing Shoulders with Kiwo

If you hang out with any emulsion company, you will hear them talk about the importance of each step of the reclaim process. EVERY STEP. I have seen so many forum posts about how degreasing is a waste of time.  C’mon people! The screen is the most important part of screen printing, let’s treat it…

Misprint Monday – I’m Stupid and Whatever, Time to Deal with It

That thumb drive is where a bunch of our digitizing was located. Only there? Yes, only there! How stupid is that? Totally ridiculously stupid. Totally difficult to find any of it, not backed up… stupid, stupid, and stupid. If you don’t do anything that stupid, you are superhuman… or more likely a liar. We all…

Official Ink Kitchen ISS Long Beach 2016 Highlight Reel

ISS Long Beach 2016 was a total blast and of course the Know-It-All’s were there, creating and capturing the action.  Here are some of the sights and sounds from the show.  Enjoy!

The Most Powerful T-shirt in the World Right Now

That sea of yellow is a crowd of Malaysian anti-corruption protesters. Their protests which feature the color yellow, in particular people wearing yellow t-shirts are growing increasingly powerful as reported by many news agencies. The shirts all say #Bersih4 and Bersih is Malaysian for “clean.” They are calling for clean elections since the head of…

Mis-print Monday: Super Bowl Level Sewing Error

Its bad enough that whiny face Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl (Hey, I”m an unabashed Patriot fan) but look at that hat. Biggest stage there is and New Era QC failed and Mr. “175 Yards of Total Offense” got a hat with “Champions” upside down on the back strap. Super Bowl advertising cost over…

Believing What You Read (or not…)

Two quick points on this cover of this issue of ECOTEXTILE: 1. ECOTEXTILE is an excellent source for information on the sustainability end of the business. You can get headlines via email for free or subscribe for the full articles.  2. There lead article this month make a great point regarding sustainability, both environmental and labor claims…

Ship Happens: Part Two (Variation on Mis-print Monday…)

A couple months ago I posted a warning about ship timing.  Before the holidays carriers are covered up with Christmas gift deliveries.  Well… the saga continues as the winter weather takes it’s toll on cities in the North.  A  week ago I fell victim to a horrible shipping error.  We were shipping 3 pallets with $25,000…

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