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Blog Page 66

Dye Migration, the Screenprinter’s Nemesis. Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about the problems we are all seeing with dye migration, the dye of the shirts going into the ink we print on all the myriad of types of fabric that we now have to print on. The post gave instructions for a test using plasticizer and a heat press. Further testing is…

Dye Migration, the Screenprinter’s Nemesis. Part 1

Dye migration is one of the biggest issues in screenprinting these days. I get more calls to help with this problem than with any other. It can be really insidious, as you can sometimes print and it doesn’t show up for weeks. I”ll cover a few topics this week, starting with testing the fabric. We…

Machine Repair – Good Trick

These days your cellphone is one of the main tools you need in repairing your machinery. Where formerly you stuck your head in some horrible inaccessible place and tried to read some serial number with a burning hot light next to you, now you can take a photo and with the flash and a good…

This Guy Started Our Industry on This Day

A wonderful way to start the day is by receiving the Writer’s Almanac via email There is a great poem and then some incredibly well-written history and seven days a week there it is in your inbox when you wake up. Today there is some history on the patron saint of the garment industry, Isaac…

Web Wednesday: This American Life #561

This American Life is a weekly public radio show which tells stories ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary.  Episode #561 is particularly captivating for a variety of reasons and no, nothing in the episode ties directly to decorated apparel.  That said, their is so much to be learned from the story of New United Motor Manufacturing,…

Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha. Roughly translated from the Japanese, it means “chit-chat.” It is a cool idea, sort of like speed dating for ideas and thinking. You show 20 slides and talk more than for 20 seconds for each. Pecha Kucha nights happen in about 700 cities around the world. More ideas, what a good idea. The featured…

Black Shirts, “They Sound Better…”

Hey everyone from the Ramones to the local shoegaze band to Johnny Cash, the “Man in Black”, loves a black t-shirt, but I never heard the claim before that, “they sound better.” Check out the bottom of the photo of that Buddy Emmons shirt for sale page. A Buddy Emmons dedicated site is a probably…

Low Cost Luxury and “Price per Wear”

If you want to buy a luxury item, you have to pay heavily for it, right?  A Tesla or a high end Mercedes is going to cost you 100K and a basic VW or Ford will cost less than 20K new. 80K for luxury. If you want a little luxury in your garment life, you…

Sawgrass Sold

Industry sublimation company Sawgrass Industrial was just bought by the JK Group. That makes them the biggest digital sublimation group in the world. According to the JK prez, that puts JK ,”…into a global leadership position in the digital sublimation sector and at the forefront of the textile pigment inks market development.” It sounds like…

Lasers: A Printer’s Best Friend

Many of us have for many years utilized lasers to aid in accurate print positioning on press.  I’ve seen many home-spun setups (including the cheap Radio Shack laser levels which were once mounted onto our presses) as well as some commercial systems.  Most worked just “OK” and with serious limitations.  Enter Lase-It, a truly legit laser positioning system.  With a solid…

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