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Blog Page 68

Bootleggin’ – Whack-a-Mole Law Enforcement

The Chicago Tribune wrote last week about $180K worth of phony Blackhawks hockey being seized by law enforcement under an effort with the oh so tricky “codename” Operation Team Player. This pales when one considers that the NHL’s big crackdown “Operation Red Zone” in 2013 netted $13.6 million in fake jerseys. Bootlegging is big business and…

Oh No! My Best Customer is Leaving!!!!

There is that day when your contact at a big customer tells you that they are leaving. When I was younger my heart would stop, I would get depressed, etc. No longer. Over the years I have found that if you follow up and you have been doing a good job that the person that…


We send a computer mock up like The Pawtucket Film Festival example below to every single customer. What we want back (if all information is correct) is the word, “Approved.”  Not “it looks good to me,” “wonderful,” “great,” “ok,” “thank you so much,” or any other number of niceties that might make you feel good…

Scrub Down, Chow Down, Bottoms Up

We had a cool time with some fellow printers and a few chill vendors this week. A good time was had by all at our Ink Kitchen “East Coast Scrubdown and BBQ.” Three customers of mine hooked us up big time. Best Q around from Blue Ribbon BBQ, best brews around with Summer Ale and…

Web Wednesday: Wearables June 15

If you didn’t already know, The Ink Kitchen is featured monthly in Wearables Magazine.  Check us out on page 55 of the June 15 issue.

Canned Cleverness

We printed some sample Nano shirts for Hanes and we at one point discussed some clever packaging ideas, but I forgot about all that until today when a can of Nano arrived. They are nice soft shirts that actually fit more than teenagers and I enjoyed receiving the clever packaging that promotes these good shirts.…

The Ink Kitchen East Coast Scrub Down and Barbecue

What are you doing next Wednesday? Why not spend the afternoon (and evening) talking shop and shooting the…breeze while enjoying some Blue Ribbon Barbecue, Iggy’s Bread, and beer and cider from Sam Adams Boston Beer Company on us- The Ink Kitchen and Peter Rinning of QRSTs. We’ve got Greg Jensen from SAATI and Brian Lessard from Rutland Inks coming, too.…

What is a Good Shirt to Print On?

We often get requests to analyze shirts for manufacturers. I can tell you that some folks like Hanes and SanMar actually do care about you printers out there and try to make sure their products can be decorated. They don’t always fully succeed but they are definitely trying hard and often with great results. Other…

The Little Guy

We recently installed press #5 at Motion Textile.  I’ve affectionately nicknamed this 8-color MHM X-Type Plus “The Little Guy” (maybe I was thinking of that Portlandia sketch?). A few thoughts on going small with this new install: Sleeves The majority of sleeve prints that we run are very simple (2-4 spot color) prints with a flash or two.  We…

Computerized T-Shirts, Coming Soon?

That shirt was made a few years ago by Georgia Tech. It is called the smart shirt, and is for use on the battlefield to diagnose where a wound occurred. It was the start of what will be coming to the marketplace sooner than we could have imagined, computerized clothing. Google is ramping up their…

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