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Blog Page 72

Web Wednesday – If You Swear and Nobody Hears You Is It Still Swearing?

Apparently there is a curse involved in this shirt, but I’m not sure I even understand it after only reading this article once… This Mississippi State t-shirt according to the Clarion-Ledger involves a curse. Decoded swearing is still swearing apparently. Sometimes I’m glad we have our own blog so we don’t have to deal with…

Contract Printing: Good or Bad?

Being a contract printer (ASI supplier) for ASI distributors and other promotional product “professionals” is a love/hate relationship if ever there was one. When the relationship goes well it is a great cooperative arrangement and the distributor (in their white hat of course emblazoned with their clever name and logo) is our financier, our great…

Mis-Print Monday: Mega-Huge Cubbies Tee

Sorry in advance to all of my friends from Chicago.  I am enjoying your very windy city, but today I came across quite a sight walking past the Under Armour store downtown.  It was the biggest t-shirt I’ve ever seen and it was emblazoned with a Chicago arc text and Cubs logo. On account of content, physique,…

Don’t Be a Cheap Bastard

Stop being penny wise and pound foolish. Saving twenty dollars and buying a gallon of inexpensive but inferior emulsion is a terrible idea. Inferior emulsions don’t have the resolution of most of the more expensive emulsions because they don’t have the solids content. Without the resolution you will you lose detail in your printing.  …

Not Just T-Shirts

I’ll do a full post on this project at a later date, but I thought it worth mentioning that these screens, squeegees, and inks ain’t just for printing t-shirts…

Web Wednesday: Color Me Pantone

The Pantone color of the year for 2015 is Marsala. That is one of the many fascinating things to learn on the Pantone site. Very useful is conversion software that gets you as close as possible to the coated and uncoated colors (which we use to match ink colors) from the textile and other pantone…

Mis-print Monday – A Sticky Subject, Platen Adhesive

I can’t show it, but we warped a print last week and have to set up the job again today to print one piece for a good customer that has to have this small order perfect. We put too much adhesive on the platen and warped the print when we yanked it off the press. Those…

Web Wednesday: Wearables April/May Issue

Checkout Wearables Digital April/May 2015 Issue.  In addition to the regular Ink Kitchen column, this issue includes a nice piece called “Building a Better T-Shirt”, complete with some examples from Mirror Image and Motion Textile.

Baseball Season Starts. Hope Springs Eternal. Misprint Monday, uh Teusdya

My pal Garrett Kaule of KSW just pointed out a bad end of season basketball gaffe. Baseball season started this week and our thoughts (and prayers) go out to players to have a good year. Can the Red Sox go from worst to first again? Are the Phillies as bad as they looked yesterday? Can…

Kornit Goes Public with a Bang

Kornit Digital went public this week and the stock went up 40% right away. That’s maybe faster than one of their Avalanche presses could digitally print 5000 black shirts… Here’s the skinny. The market is closed today for Good Friday, so you’ll have to wait until Monday to jump on that action.

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