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T-Shirt Printers Making Things Happen (with Help of Celebrities)

Pro Basketball At Nets’ Game, a Plan for a Simple Statement Is Carried Out to a T LeBron James, Jay-Z and More Made ‘I Can’t Breathe’ T-Shirts Happen in the N.B.A. T-shirts in the news again. A front page New York Times article today on LeBron James and other players wearing “I Can’t Breathe” shirts.…

Web Wednesday: ‘Tis The Season

Today a Google image search for “Christmas T-Shirts” produced some “nice” results…

Hanes Nano, a Nice Promo

The other day I received these promotional Nano samples from our friends at Hanes.  I was impressed, for once, to receive decorated garment samples from a manufacturer which actually incorporated tasteful design and quality printing.  Well done Hanes, well done.

Mis-Print Monday: Who Cares?

One of my running buddies sent me a text the day before a big marathon we both ran yesterday.  In the message he asked if we had printed the shirts for the event, knowing of course that we do this type of work.  I replied that we did not print the shirts for this high-profile…

I Can’t Breathe

Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls makes a statement with a t-shirt last night. That is a t-shirt that is going to be seen millions of times. Simple and to the point like a good t-shirt should be.

Protest Shirts on the Spot

Our translator is in NYC and can’t translate a post for Sunday because she is in NY.  There are massive rallies going on in NYC tonight. I ran into this in my twitter feed tonight about the rallies. The ACLU is giving out free shirts at the rallies protesting the police killing of Eric Garner…

A Little Transparency

I love simple yet effective printing techniques.  Overprinting semi-opaque inks creates a level of transparency which reveals a percentage of the underlying color.  It’s simple, but not as easy as it seems.  A surprising amount of consideration went in to determining print order, flash positions, ink formulations, etc., to pull-off the effect.

A Side-By-Side Comparison

A good customer recently sent me a quote request for a large volume program.  Due to the size of the program, pressure from the “end user”, and because it was “commodity printing”. I was told that the job was going out for bid and that I needed to be very competitive.  Being put in a bid situation is…

TBT: Not really, but sort of…

We’re pretty high-tech around here (well, at least by textile screen-printing standards).  I’d love to say that our screen coating methodology follows suit and show off pics or video of a bitchin’ auto-coater, but I can’t.  When it comes to screen coating, we still do it the old school way.  It’s not that I don’t…

Web Wednesday: Wearables Top Decorator

Wearables Nov/Dec issue showcase their Top Decorator competition.  Check it out.

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