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Blog Page 82

Fashion Trends Part 3

Wednesday I pointed out some trends as identified by pals in the industry, and here is the third part of our five parts on fashion trends in the screenprinting world. Mike Manning of LAT’s talked about the promotional world more and more looking like the retail world. He sees his retail oriented pieces increasingly being…

TBT – “Nomah”

I just found this old shirt that we printed for our own amusement. I took the front Cubs logo off a 1960’s Ron Santo of the Cubs baseball card I had. On the back was written “Nomah” which was an approximation of Nomar Garciaparra’s name pronounced with a Boston accent. Nomah has been a star…

Fashion Trends Part 2

Part 2 of 5 about fashion trends in the screenprinting world. Hanes reports increasing interest in the soft fabrics of their Nano collection, whether t-shirts or hoodies. This is true of both unisex and women’s shirts. Thinner fabrics are gaining traction, and their lightweight Nano hoodie has particularly been a favorite. Folks seem to know…

Shirts in Your Face

We interrupt our fashion series to mention that shirts have always been a means of expression. You’ll eventually see everything on a t-shirt, the profound, the ignorant, the silly, the poignant and more. You’ll see individual expression, expressions of solidarity, selfless promotions of peace and justice, and cold calculated grabs for. Sometimes it all gets…

Fashion Trends – Part 1

I asked friends in the industry where fashion is going and got quite a few similar responses. I’ll put a few up today and tomorrow. We just designed a shirt on this alternative apparel piece which is a football retro-looking shirt. It hits a few bases that fashion is headed toward: sporty and retro sporty…

Trash is for Tossers

Most of us aren’t going trashless like Lauren Singer. However, she is pushing the envelope and trying to do something positive. Plus she is a non-UK person using the word “tosser”, so she can’t be a wanker. Her blog Trash is for Tossers is pretty interesting. In our industry I know that many folks are…

Google Honors a Screenprinting Nun

Yesterday the Google Doodle was by Corita who would have been 96 years old. Sister Corita Kent was a silkscreening nun. You can read a bit about her here. Sister Corita is famous for her “love” USPS stamp and famous in these parts (Boston) for her painting on a huge prominent gas tank, “Rainbow Swash.”…

T-shirts, the Next Wave of Capital Generation… Ello Turns to Shirts for $

Apparently according to the piece “Ad-free social network Ello turns to branded t-shirts for revenue” this could be the next wave of capital generation. The report says that Ello is only making money from t-shirts, not from use of their app. I hope the t-shirts are better than the app. I know I’m one of…

Web Wednesday – Censorship – Eff the MF Chinese Government

Ask most folks that aren’t a white dude and you’ll find that we are not exactly the perfect “Land of the Free” in the old  US of A. However, we can at least do just about any t-shirts we want. Not so in China. Read about this poor dude’s on-line shop that got closed down…

Heavy Metal Quilting, What a Use for Old T-shirts

Incredible quilts from old metal t-shirts. I’ve seen quilts done before but nothing even close to this creative. The Huff Post mentions the quilter’s “ability to turn “your grandmother’s sewing circle” into a celebration of vintage tattoos, the occult and motorcycle gangs. Blending, as he puts it, B-movie horror film style with the delicate intricacy…

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