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Blog Page 82

Google Honors a Screenprinting Nun

Yesterday the Google Doodle was by Corita who would have been 96 years old. Sister Corita Kent was a silkscreening nun. You can read a bit about her here. Sister Corita is famous for her “love” USPS stamp and famous in these parts (Boston) for her painting on a huge prominent gas tank, “Rainbow Swash.”…

T-shirts, the Next Wave of Capital Generation… Ello Turns to Shirts for $

Apparently according to the piece “Ad-free social network Ello turns to branded t-shirts for revenue” this could be the next wave of capital generation. The report says that Ello is only making money from t-shirts, not from use of their app. I hope the t-shirts are better than the app. I know I’m one of…

Web Wednesday – Censorship – Eff the MF Chinese Government

Ask most folks that aren’t a white dude and you’ll find that we are not exactly the perfect “Land of the Free” in the old  US of A. However, we can at least do just about any t-shirts we want. Not so in China. Read about this poor dude’s on-line shop that got closed down…

Heavy Metal Quilting, What a Use for Old T-shirts

Incredible quilts from old metal t-shirts. I’ve seen quilts done before but nothing even close to this creative. The Huff Post mentions the quilter’s “ability to turn “your grandmother’s sewing circle” into a celebration of vintage tattoos, the occult and motorcycle gangs. Blending, as he puts it, B-movie horror film style with the delicate intricacy…

Premium Printing

Most retail lines understand the value in premium garments over basics and will thusly charge accordingly (think hoodies over tees, etc).  Why is this not so with printing?  We all know that it requires more work and costs more to produce a full color print over a single color print and most of us charge accordingly…

Printing on Garment Dyed Shirts

Quick post today. I have many inquiries lately about how to print a garment dyed shirt. Test the particular shirt and color,  but many of them print well with discharge ink and that accentuates the softness of the shirts. Most colors most of the time print well with any good cotton white ink. If you…

TBT: My 128K Mac, Complete with T-Shirt

Most of you who know me personally are aware that I’m a longtime Apple® user and evangelist (Jobs era at least).  About 10 years ago I came across an original 128K Macintosh posted on ebay.  I’d been reading a number of books about Steve Jobs and the original Mac team and, caught up in the…

Field Trip to Hirsch: Let’s See Some Heavy Duty Equipment

Tom and I visited the Hirsch showroom and office in NC. We received some great hospitality and we got to see some of the best equipment available for shirt decoration: Kornit Direct to Garment, MHM Automatic Textile Press, Tajima Embroidery, and Seit Lasers. Ostensibly it was to show some folks that were new to the…

More on the Rutland “Field Trip”

On Wednesday Tom touched on the magical new Rutland automatic ink color matching dispenser. I agree with Tom wholeheartedly that it is pretty rad. Other highlights of our “field trip” to the Rutland Group were meeting the new CEO Jeff Leone and checking out the color proofing area. Jeff is a very smart guy that…

Our Field Trip to Rutland

Rick and I are on a tour of North Carolina and South Carolina this week.  Today we visited the Rutland Group.  We’ve both been loyal Rutland ink customers for years and I must say, this being my first visit, it was really something to finally see where the magic happens. Though our hosts were more than…

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