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Blog Page 87

Web Wednesday: Why T-Shirts Matter

I came across this blog post from Adam Nash’s blog today.  The post dates back to 2010 but is no less relevant today.  As a contract printer in Northern California we depend very much on tech companies and young startups understanding “why t-shirts matter”.

Art for Shirts is Not Art for Everything

All too often a customer insists that their image on their shirts should match their billboards, signs, posters, table tents, magazine adverts, etc. Farm Aid and the artist for their logo Kathy Keller did a great job of creating a logo, but having variations for web, poster, tickets, and importantly for us shirts. Putting a…

Mis-Print Monday: Dye Migration Blues

We’re very cautious to avoid “bleeding” and “dye-migration” when it comes to printing 100% poly and poly-blend fabrics.  We use poly white plus a barrier gray when under-basing 100% poly and we use poly white plus a standard low-bleed white when under-basing blends.  We drop our oven temp and cure time, and we are careful not…

Farm Aid 2014 Kicking Ass

Inspiring press conference by Farm Aid, impressive music, and some good merch sales happening for a good cause. This year in Raleigh, NC, happening today.

Farm Aid 2014!

We did the merch for Farm Aid 2014 and arrived early and counted it all in. Hats off to Ruth and Carlos and the Mirror Image staff as a couple thousand items and the counts were off by less then 5 total pieces. A couple of my favorite people with a couple of my favorite…

Good Logo, Good Shirt, Good Cause

The creative firm CCL branding did this logo for the One Caucasus cultural festival. Here is their thought process as relayed to me by my pal David Verga of CCL. “Knowing the goal of the festival was to foster unity and understanding between differing cultures, we began our design process by researching the histories of…

Web Wednesday – Sleeping Around (the world in airports.)

Hey, last week I was raving about the super cool Munich airport where you can chill out, sleep, or work and the space is made for it and the attitude is right. I got quite a few comments and so I though I would point folks to “” which, in addition to being a great…

Farm Aid 2014 Here We Come

About to hit the road to run the merch at Farm Aid 2014 in Raleigh. Farm Aid is a concert with Willie Nelson, Dave Matthews, Neil Young, and John Mellencamp playing every year for the benefit of saving family farms. They get some help from other musicians (Jack White this year should be a must…

Discharge Ink – Do It Right and Don’t Poison Yourself and Your Workers

Someone was asking me this week about the use of a discharge ink as an underbase. Discharge ink is an ink that basically neutralizes the dye in a shirt instead of printing over the dye. So with discharge ink you don’t need two prints (usually white and then the color) and so it gets a…

El aeropuerto más amigable del mundo.

Desafortunadamente vivo en la que es una de las ciudades menos acogedoras, Boston, y su aeropuerto (Logan) está en mi lista de los diez peores del mundo. Tratan a todos como criminales en potencia y a partir de ahí todo se viene abajo. No tiene que ser así. El aeropuerto de Munich alberga lugares para…

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