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Blog Page 91

TBT – Ghosts of Summer

Here is an article I wrote for Printwear a couple years ago. It still rings true. Summer is the worst time for ghost images to occur, with heat and humidity on the rise on the Northern Hemisphere right now. I have had an inquiry every other day about somebody having ghost issues and so here…

Web Wednesday: Something Good from Congress

The Library of Congress Online Prints and Photographs Collection has been an invaluable resource to me over the years.  Millions of hi-res images in thousands of categories, a majority of which are unrestricted use in the public domain.  The site is ugly and the functionality is clunky (hey, it’s the government), but it is well…

The Ideal Box Cutter! I Love Simple Stuff.

Simple yet brilliant. Our Hanes/Champion rep dropped off some promo items. Love them. 1. Flash drive – who does not need more flash drives? 2. Pens – yeah, who has too many pens? 3. The world’s best box cutter – It took me ten minutes to figure it out because I’m not a genius, but…

Misprint Monday: WTF?

When you stumble upon something like this in your shop all you can say is: WTF?

Domingo Gigante: Imprimir Prendas de 100$

Ser responsable del producto de nuestros clientes como decorador contratado puede ser exasperante especialmente cuando el numero y el precio de las prendas es alto. Por supuesto los productos de alta gama siempre tienen dificultad añadida. Hace poco tiempo imprimimos unas chaquetas/chamarras muy caras de Lululemon. Aparte del tiempo que tomamos en tratar y planchar…

IKEA Rocking Old T-Shirts

New IKEA catalog has two pages that recommend decorating something or other with old t-shirts. Yeah, go IKEA, use up those old t-shirts so folks will order new ones.

Finally, a Good T-Shirt Contest

Alternative Apparel recently conducted a t-shirt contest to highlight their printed fabric products.  “Prints on prints”, it’s a good concept.  But, when you consider what you typically see in the established t-shirt competitions (mostly bad designs and mostly mediocre printing), the concept of showcasing clever and tasteful design, decent printing, and great blanks for a t-shirt contest is actually brilliant.…

TBT – More Andy Anderson, Process Master

Another throwback Thursday and a couple more pieces by Andy Anderson from Nashville, TN. The dude can print some serious process prints, traditional process being his way usually.  I asked him about these two prints, Andy:  “The only thing I can remember is the Kenny job was done in 1983— it was our first entry…

Web Wednesday – Bill Mooney, Redd Kross, Dirty Laundry and Kung Fu

We featured Bill Mooney’s websites two weeks ago. Here are a few good photos from him and some good history in his own words. I started screenprinting with a Speedball kit as well, so this story is dear to me. Bill in is own words: “Yes, Tannis Root is our tour merchandising and screenprinting company…

Printing $100 Garments

As a contract decorator taking responsibility of your customer’s product can be nerve-racking, especially when the numbers are big or the per piece price is high.  And of course high-end products always have a high-end difficulty factor.  We recently ran a print on some very pricey jackets by Lululemon.  Aside from taking our time to…

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