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Rick Roth Page 59

Happy Jazz Fest Y’All

The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival is one of the best music and food events in the world. Also tshirt heaven. We start with memorial shirts and then will share some from the literally hundreds of thousands of shirts to be seen here.

Carts, Carts, Carts and More Carts

Tom posted that he has literally hundreds of carts in his shop and he means hundreds. I posted that I waited way too long to make more carts. Here is another cart story. My friend’s shop is in a poor part of town and there are lots of industrious types, so to speak, as in…

Boost Your Skills With Silicones

Like it or not, the ability to print with silicone ink is going to have to find its place in your tool box. The pros are: it’s super stretchy zero dye migration on polyesters it’s cheaper than an insurance policy when you need to print on a $150 stretchy polyester jacket. The cons are: short pot…

Misprint Monday – Misguided Monday This Time

Tom posted Saturday about the “literally” hundreds of carts he has at his shop. I had one of those moments a few years ago where we finally got more carts, and I said to myself, what a total dumb ass I am. I can’t tell you how many years we had been putting shirts on…

Love of Work: Philosophizing on the Shop Floor

I majored in Philosophy and Religion in college. I guess I am drawn to the philosophical underpinnings of what people do. Someone once told me about the concept of “love of work” that Germans have and used some expression with the German word for work “Arbeit.” I never have found where that exact expression comes…

Domingo Gigante – Mike T

Al hablar de ilustración, especialmente sobre prendas de vestir , hay dos cosas que realmente separa la elite de todos los demás: composición y ejecución. A principios de los 2000 tuve el privilegio de trabajar con alguien que es un maestro en las dos! Mike Thompson. Mike dirigió la división de la camiseta de Ecko…

Mike T – More Shirt Illustration. Less is More.

As our previous posts (Web Wednesday–Mike Thompson, How to Illustrate for Shirts) indicate, Mike T is the master of t-shirt illustration. Here are two more from his canon: Jam Master Jay – great use of the black shirt to blend the illustration into the background. Tupac – Limited color palette but still getting the job…

T-shirt Illustration – This illustrates How to Illustrate for T-shirts

Mike T is not just a great artist, he has done some of the most exemplary illustrations for t-shirts that I have ever seen. This print of Biggie is also one of our best screenprints, but it all started with great artwork. The piece is so good that a marketing company put this in Digital…

Throwback Thursday – The First “Distressed Shirt?

In 1995 (I think, maybe earlier) we worked with Rykodisc to do a promotional shirt for a re-release of the Frank Zappa album “Lumpy Gravy.” On the cover of Lumpy Gravy Frank Zappa is wearing a shirt that is printed with the simple lettering “PIPCO.”   We were asked to reproduce the shirt as exactly…

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