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Business Page 21

Jakprints – the Future of Printing Now

I was stoked that the road back from Farm Aid passes right by Jakprints and I got to see my buds the owners Jacob and Dameon and my other buds working there LT and Jeff and to talk shop and as always to have a good time. My take on Jakprints is that two skatepunks…

Farm Aid 2015

There is  Willie Nelson (with Imagine Dragons) at Farm Aid 2015 wearing a shirt we designed and printed at my shop Mirror Image. It is always a thrill to see your handiwork up on the big stage and broadcast around the globe. Folks at my shop including Pam, Brian, KC, Ruth, Aimee, Ray and all…

Too Good to Be True? It is. Phun with Phony Orders.

I got this email this morning: “Dear Customer, We are interested in purchasing some of your products to Solomon Island,can you send us complete catalog or website? also be informed that our mode of payment for this order is via credit card. We anticipate, your prompt reply. Kind Regards, Ken” It looks like an awesome…

Great Maintenance Tip: Where’s the Oil?

Today we take a break from our dye migration series for a simple maintenance tip. I know that for maintenance,  folks have all kinds of ways to make sure it is done. There are checklists, sign off sheets, and clipboards full of notes and they are initialed, signed, and blah blah freakin’ blah. A signature…

Machine Repair – Good Trick

These days your cellphone is one of the main tools you need in repairing your machinery. Where formerly you stuck your head in some horrible inaccessible place and tried to read some serial number with a burning hot light next to you, now you can take a photo and with the flash and a good…

This Guy Started Our Industry on This Day

A wonderful way to start the day is by receiving the Writer’s Almanac via email There is a great poem and then some incredibly well-written history and seven days a week there it is in your inbox when you wake up. Today there is some history on the patron saint of the garment industry, Isaac…

Web Wednesday – Target Wins the Trophy, errrr… Prize

Yahoo, ABC, Jezebel and many other news sources, and oh yeah, also the bad entertainment site ironically called, “Fox News” are all reporting on Target stores selling a shirt emblazoned with the word “Trophy.”  They are selling it in their Junior section oriented toward brides. The retailer has received a firestorm of grief about it…

Web Wednesday: Communication Overload

Like it or not, you cannot expect to thrive as a business with your Yellow Pages ad (what’s that?) and just a land line. I personally don’t like it when customers contact me on Facebook. I find it hard to integrate the information into my system and share it with my team. You know what? Stop…

Don’t be Stupid

Pricing is an area where we as screen printers are typically ignorant, afraid, or just plain stupid. In no way would I say that I have all of the answers on screen print pricing but I can say that I have, and continue to, put a lot of thought into the subject, and make adjustments accordingly…

Customer Service: What the Hell Do You Want!!!

How difficult can it be to answer the phone? Apparently for some people, very difficult. I called an old established business today, searching for garments for a large beverage company customer. The person answering the phone made me feel like I was bothering both her and the company. That is a great way to make…

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