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Business Page 29

Misprint Monday – Intentional Mess

We have tried many tests on garments in the life of our company, but I think today we tried the craziest test on a garment we have ever tried. A customer wants to know, does corn starch stick to 100% polyester shirts? The answer is yes. Somebody that works for us just came in the…

Web Wednesday – Made in USA, sort of…

FESPA is the international organization for screenprinting and digital printing. They are usually ahead of the US on many issues: for example I saw my first DTG unit at one of their shows, saw them embracing digital before the US, and saw them embracing environmental concerns before the US. Interestingly they focus in this piece…

Domingo Gigante–Nunca se sabe de donde vendrá la inspiración!

A mediados y finales de los 90, la alta densidad y las impresiones dimensionales era lo que se llevaba. Ahora tenemos otra manera de imprimir y de trabajar y nos manejamos como pez en el agua. Antes, estaba constantemente por todas partes buscando inspiración para texturas y patrones que trabajar en una impresión dimensional. Parte…

Metal Guru: Bob Eisenach of GSF

We caught up with Bob Eisenach of GSF at ISS Long Beach.  In this video Bob talks high-grade aluminum, among other things screen related. Enjoy.

Misprint Monday: An Outsourcing Nightmare

Many years ago this design came our way as part of a program we are running for a retail line.  We told the customer that this was a print more suitable for a belt printer as the graphic ran from the garment body and over the sleeve with a bleed of the edge of the…

Misprint Monday–Spellcheck is Not Always Your Friend

Their is a problem with relying only on spellcheck, isn’t their? Won example is this Akademiks shirt. The client was the “urban” brand Akademiks, with a stylized A-K-A-D-E-M-I-K-S as there name. In one case, the art must have been “spellchecked” and it got corrected to be spelled “academics.” Sometimes your write when your wrong, if…

Not Just Going Through the Motion

My partner in crime for The Ink Kitchen is Tom Davenport. Check out the video he just made at his shop to see how t-shirts are screenprinted in the modern world. Its a cool ride through a very clean shop, a cinematic trip. See a shirt design from start to finished product at Motion Textile.

I.K. Threads

When The Know-It-Alls debuted at ISS Long Beach last month we received a lot of compliments and questions on our custom threads.  Here’s what we did… Designed by Rick and Tom then printed/stitched at Motion Textile, we created four unique pieces: The “Know-It-All Hoody” (N280 NANO FULL-ZIP HOOD)     The “I.K. Cardigan” (District Made…

Hanes and Andrew Verga, the Printer’s Friend

Yeah, Hanes is a sponsor, but they were a preferred vendor long long before that. It is interesting to see Hanes which is probably the most “established” shirt brand be at this point one of the most cutting edge in terms of fabric technology, screenprint friendly tools, and product development. I have a new Nano…


Do not watch this video if you are a hoarder. Tom and I have some hoarding tendencies, you can see us fidget a bit as Paul Gallagher, successful CEO of Hirsch International and a most zen individual, tells of his making the Hirsch offices more efficient and by doing so, his elimination of “things.” One…

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