Mark Diehl on CTS in Specialist Printing
Mark Diehl of Douthitt recently wrote a piece for Specialist Printing on the differences between CTS systems. I provided the user’s perspective. Happy reading… Download the Specialist Printing CTS Article
Mark Diehl of Douthitt recently wrote a piece for Specialist Printing on the differences between CTS systems. I provided the user’s perspective. Happy reading… Download the Specialist Printing CTS Article
We caught up with Bob Eisenach of GSF at ISS Long Beach. In this video Bob talks high-grade aluminum, among other things screen related. Enjoy.
You never know where inspiration will come from! Back in the mid to late 90’s, high density and dimensional printing was all the rage. We now had another print dimension to work with and I took to it like a duck to water. I was constantly looking for textures and patterns everywhere I went as inspiration…
Web Wednesday – We are thinking of doing a fashion shoot like this at one of the next trade shows. Any volunteers to model?
We do a lot of re-label work, I mean a lot and much of our re-label work is direct screen-print. Opportunity cost is one of my favorite terms commonly used by economists. It means giving up one alternative in favor of another, like using your production press to print interior labels. With that in mind,…
The smell and the sight of smoke billowing from the out-feed of a dryer is a scary thing. One brave employee reaches in with a broomstick to fish out a stuck (and now blazing) tee, another follows with a fire extinguisher to save the day. This scenario has played out a few times over the…
Un cubo de emulsión que es un poco como una tetera? Hey, a veces me gustan las pequeñas innovaciones mejor que las grandes. Se puede verter la emulsión mejor – más suavemente, con menos lío, y usted también puede hacerlo con una sola mano. Tener el cubo cerca de la torre de laca cuchara y…
I’m always keeping my eyes open for cool or impressive techniques for shirts. I scan the attendees and the walls of the booths. There were three in the Rutland ink booth that caught my eye. The Sponge Bob print has a creative use of “blister base” used to portray Bob in all his spongey glory.…
At times the collective gathering of Know-It-Alls reached epic proportions on Day 2 of ISS Atlantic City
An emulsion bucket that is a bit like a teapot? Hey, I sometimes like the little innovations better than the big ones. You can pour the emulsion better–more smoothly, with less mess, and you can also do it with only one hand. Having the bucket close to the scoop coater and pouring it slowly and…