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Blog Page 27

Communication Breakdown: Staying in Touch When You Can’t Touch Anybody or Even Come Near Them

Probably our posts hourly should consist of only instructions to maintain social distancing, telling you not to even think of going near anyone if you feel sick, and to wash your hands. These are frightening times and every topic that is not about the pandemic seems frivolous in the face of the life and death…

Brilliant Scientific Minds on the Pandemic

In the field of public health you aren’t going to get anyone smarter AND more experienced than Larry Brilliant or Paul Farmer or David Ho. Larry’s work on eliminating smallpox from the world, Paul’s well-documented work on bringing health care to impoverished areas of the world, and David’s work on HIV are great achievements. There…

Considering an SBA Loan? Consider This, Too

Today we bring you a guest post by Jason Vanick, Chief Technology Officer of Princredible Inc, a contract screen print and embroidery shop. Our thanks to Jason for sharing his wisdom on SBA loans, which is based on personal experience. We hope this information helps you make an informed decision if this is one of…

Where to File for Unemployment all over the USA

Here are the links to get information on unemployment insurance and how to file. The reality is that unfortunately many of you or your employees may need this for a week, a month.. who knows. Most sites will tell you what info and/documents to have before filling out the form. Many states indicate the changes…

Shop Talk at Impressions Expo Long Beach 2020: Emotional Intelligence at Work with Sabrina Del Toro

Our friend and perhaps one of the smartest people in the industry, Sabrina Del Toro, joins Shop Talk at Impressions Expo Long Beach 2020 to share her thoughts and wisdom on emotional intelligence in the workplace…

Money Monday: Your Business and the Coronavirus. Part 1

As we are all now well aware, the situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19) is fluid and changing by the hour. It’s impacting all of us personally and you probably feel it extra if you are a business owner. There are a lot of decisions to be made to keep you, your employees, and your business safe.…

Staging is Everything

The big shops are competing with the little shops and the mid size shops are competing with the titans of the industry. How does this all shake out?    I often see the ads posted online with prices on shirts that I cannot understand.   You know when you see a price chart that makes no…

What To Do in Your Shop about Covid-19 (Corona Virus)

Hey, for those of you only reading the first sentence, wash your hands more! The coronavirus is real. It is still spreading in Europe and the USA and much of the world. You don’t need to panic, but there are some easy steps and some perhaps difficult steps we should be taking in our shops.…

Impressions Atlantic City Postponed until October 8th

The Atlantic City Impressions show will move to October 8th due to the obvious need to contain the coronavirus Covid 19 which tends to spread in crowds and in situations of close social interaction and follows recommendations by the State of NJ and the World Health Organization. Statement by the expo management follows or follow…

Discharge Ink: A Solution for Two Ply Fabric

Discharge is an ugly sounding process. Of course most discharge inks are kind of an ugly business. However, that is another story. The basics of discharge are that instead of covering up the darkness of a shirt with a couple of coats of ink, the discharge ink “neutralizes” the dye in the shirt. It isn’…

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