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Blog Page 55

Misprint Monday: Candidates Be Careful

As the political campaigns heat up, check your spelling. Note the enthusiastic but unspellchecked folks behind VP Biden, and their “FOWARD” message. I hear on two campaign stops they trotted out Drumpf, errrr Trump signs that had Tennessee spelled wrong. Once yes, twice oh no. More serious than an innocent spelling error, Bush in his…

Nashville ISS

This is a great shirt of Andy Anderson’s that was in the Impressions show. “Great shirt of Andy Anderson’s” is a phrase that has come out of many mouths many times. That dude can print. I hope to visit his shop tomorrow and post next week on what the Nashville King of Printing is up…

The 3rd Annual Nashville Honky Tonk Hoedown

If you’re attending ISS Nashville c’mon and join us for the 3rd Annual Nashville Honky Tonk Hoedown at Layla’s.  Event starts at 5pm, right after the show on Thursday May 19th. It’s less than a 10 min walk from the show.  Authentic live rockin’ country music (The Rische Sisters!), drinks, and of course free t-shirts (courtesy of Hanes and…

Shop Tour: Anderson Studios

The Nashville ISS show is this week, I hope to see some of you there. Last year I had the distinct pleasure of visiting with Andy Anderson and seeing his shop in Nashville. He is a real renaissance man, with three distinct areas of expertise: motorcycle design and painting, underwater photography, and then to top…

Misprint Monday: Is What You Saw What You Got?

A friend just printed some tanks. The customer sent this photo of a guy wearing it and said it didn’t look like the photo the customer had seen of the item. Of course it is a woman’s tank and this is clearly a guy, but the customer said it also was not good on women. Here…

Shop Tour: Bibliographia

Today’s post comes via Andy MacDougall, screen printer extraordinaire and all around good guy (and fun guy.) You can check out some of what he does at  I titled this a shop tour, but we are talking the reverse, this is about a shop that comes to you. In 2008, printmakers Delilah Knuckley and…

Mis-Print Monday: 480 Bomb

This Mis-Print Monday comes from our buddy Joe Matarazzo of Good Fellas Merch.  The shocking video almost say’s it all but here’s the story from Joe himself: A can of screen opener fell onto the dryer belt, then rolled into the heat chamber and must have slipped off the belt and lodged itself somewhere inside of the…

Web Wednesday: Gildan to Acquire Alstyle Apparel

This is a big deal… Ennis, Inc. Announces Acceptance of $110 Million Superior Offer for its Apparel Division. Read the whole story here  

Squeegees: A Few Thoughts on One of the Most Essential Things in Your Shop

A few thoughts on Squeegees: Without good squeegee blades you cannot print well. They are absolutely essential. Don’t let them soak in anything, clean them you lazy…  If you soak them they swell up and are not the same durometer any longer. Change them often. We turn them around then chuck them. I now believe…

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