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Blog Page 61

Introducing “Sanmar U”

Our friends at Sanmar have already proven their commitment to decorators with their Decorator Relations Team.  Now they’re taking a huge step forward with Sanmar U, a site dedicated to education on both products and decoration.  The Ink Kitchen will be working closely with Sanmar U, lending expert advice, blog posts, and product testing.

American Apparel: Dov Charney’s Comeback?

Bloomberg News is reporting a possible take-over bid of American Apparel by a group that would re-install Mr. Dov Charney as CEO (and resident irreverent creative dude.) The group making the offer is led by Chad Hagan who says of American Apparel and Charney: “American Apparel is a proven viable business model that needs to be…

Web Wednesday: 13 iconic moments in the history of the T-shirt

A few years old, but this post from MNN is still worth a read.

2016: A Whole New Year

Now that the dust has settled from the holiday madness I’d like to say, on behalf of The Ink Kitchen, “Happy New Year” to all of our industry friends. You likely noticed that I was mostly silent during the latter half of 2015.  Between overseeing our busiest year ever at Motion Textile and welcoming a new…

Printed Threads’ Most Excellent Adventure

Our pal Brett Bowden lays some wisdom on us to start the new year. Two hearty thumbs up from the Ink Kitchen on his main points: 1. Stay close to your vendors, good ones like SPSI are incredibly important to your business  2. Don’t forget to have fun, otherwise what the hell are we doing…

Protest Shirts

It is kind of amazing that people get so riled up over protest shirts, but they surely do. The shirt in question today is Andrew Hawkins of the Cleveland Browns wore a shirt calling for justice for Tamir Rice, a 12 y.o. child shot by Cleveland police officers. Hard to believe, but the officers in…

The “Visions of Sugarplums” Effect

I’m not sure it is mentioned in Business School, but the “visions of sugarplums” effect is a real thing during the holiday season. Expect from many employees: – Increased absences – More mistakes – Not listening to you – Just not getting as much work done With visions of sugarplums dancing in your head, it…

Bah Humbug!

Warning! Rant coming. People get their panties in a bunch over being told Merry Christmas when they are not Christian, or Happy Holidays when they are Christian. I’m not much about caring regarding either of those things (though I can see the insult inherent in wishing non-Christians a happy Christian holiday.) It being a Capitalist…

One Final Test

Apologies if this is the second notification of a test post that you receive. We ran into a little funky business in the backend of our blog and email notifications had stopped going out. With trade show season coming up right after the holidays I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss any of the…

Test Post 3

Trying to get the mail notification back up and running. Our apologies if you’ve missed us!

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