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Gildan Board Issues Strident Rebuke to Ex-CEO

Gildan’s Board of Directors have just released a detailed and highly critical timeline of events leading to Glenn Chamandy’s firing in early December. You can read the press release here. Allegations in this release include that “Mr. Chamandy failed to disclose that he had invested in funds managed by a Gildan shareholder who has now…

Gildan Makes Transition to New CEO Vince Tyra

  Despite the efforts to stop it by a couple of investors, Gildan has not only proceeded with new CEO Vince Tyra, they moved up his start date to January 15th from an original start date late in February, and Vince changed all his personal plans and he was in attendance Day One at the…

2024 Fundraiser for Care Closet LBC. Great Cause, Great Coming Together of the Industry

Impressions and Ink Kitchen have pulled the industry together to support a great local organization that does great work with the estimated 4,000 people without a home living in Long Beach. Ink Kitchen is producing a hand-done printing of the poster at the Impressions show in Long Beach. The posters can be procured for a…

Impressions 2024 Shop Talks. Natural and Artificial Intelligence in Abundance

Friday starts a run of 17 free Shop Talks, starting at 10:30AM and running all day every day of the Impressions Expo, with over 25 speakers and panelists. They happen at the stage at Booth 3619, right behind arena registration back in of course, The Arena!   We are beyond pleased to present these 2024…

IK AI. Artificial Intelligence is the New Wave of Innovation

Jet plane travel, antibiotics, the computer…now AI. The new revolution in human life on the planet is Artificial Intelligence. Coming soon? No my friends, it is here and you can put your head in the sand while it influences almost everything in your world, or you can understand it, use it, and maybe even embrace…

Gildan Moves Up New CEO Start Date

Gildan announced today that new CEO Vince Tyra will take over as CEO effective January 15th instead of the previously announced February start. This is in the face of certain investors trying to bring back ousted former CEO Glenn Charmondy. Certainly the current board of Gildan is not backing down to the investor challenge. In…

Gildan Board Pulls No Punches in Latest Statement in CEO Fight

Gildan’s newest press release pulls no punches, in their Board’s “open letter to stockholders” they issue a surprisingly harsh rebuke to investor efforts to re-instate Glenn Charmandy as CEO. They portray Mr. Charmondy as disengaged, as having no vision for the future of the company, and involved in personal (including a golf resort in Barbados)…

Fanatics Sued for Alleged Anti-trust Violations

A federal suit was filed by a fan Charles Franz on behalf of anybody buying Fanatics NFL gear since 2016 from Fanatics. The suit is not about exclusive production, but about anti-competitive arrangements that squeeze out any distribution but Fantatics from the marketplace. The suit was filed against Fanatics and also the NFL and its…

Interested in Uniforms? Have We Got the Site for You!

Thanks to Craig Calcaterra and his newsletter A Cup of Coffee I just found my way to Uni Watch is the place for the geeking out over uniforms and more. All I can say is WOW! You think that you have trouble with the Little League t-shirts you are doing? Dive into what a…

Check Fraud Rampant

There is an article in the NY Times this week (sorry, but you might get a read for free, but most likely it is behind a paywall) about check fraud. I had heard that thieves were stealing checks out of mailboxes and then erasing them with chemicals and changing the payee to them and then…

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