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Blog Page 90

Domingo Gigante: ¡Evita las reglas!

¿El diseño está torcido, descentrado, demasiado alto o girado a la derecha o a la izquierda? Si te lo estás preguntando posiblemente sea una muestra a desechar. Si dejas que algo llegue al cliente y éste saca la regla estás acabado. Las camisetas las hacen (y cargan) seres humanos reales y esto supone que no…

Relabeling, who likes it?

With the proliferation of fashionable garments, more and more customers that would have manufactured their own garments merely relabel an existing garment. I got a call today from an old friend in the business today and he said, “I figured my cost is $.70, but I know they won’t pay that!” Little tiny print unfortunately…

Screenprinter Film Review

My review of the music video “Don’t You Start:” Glad to see ear protection while reclaiming, but in the printing scene maybe I would have had the screen a little more off contact using a couple cardboard tabs… I remember an old Letterman bit where he had an actual welder come on the show and…

TBT: My First Big Purchase

Do you remember your first big purchase?  I remember mine, it was a used (barely) Oyo Techstyler, a thermal imagesetter, and it really was revolutionized my little two-man print shop which was in its infancy.  I bought the machine at a local auction that I attended with a friend/former employer for roughly $4700 dollars.  This was…

Web Wednesday – What color is that shirt?

I love that companies now actually try and communicate what color their shirts are. What a damn concept!  I use the Hanes on-line color chart at and the American Apparel on-line color chart (which I will spell out– all the time. Hanes has their chart front and center with a tab marked “Color,” duh!  American Apparel…

Equipment We Love – Epson system

Some pieces of equipment come along and they have it all – quality, price, reliability. I love our Epson 4900 and I love the film and ink we get from SPSI, I love the Wasatch RIP (well here I exaggerate slightly,) and I love our chip resetter. Basically I don’t think about film any longer. I know…

Mis-Print Monday: Don’t Knock ‘Em (Well, Only if Necessary)

I recently met with a perspective customer.  He was questioning the quality he was receiving from his current print provider and brought a couple of samples to get my take.  His issue was with the heavy “hand” on the white discharge ink in his printed designs.  “It looks great but it feels like shit, until you…

Equipamiento que nos encanta- Sistemas Epson

Algunas piezas de equipamiento han progresado mucho y ahora lo tienen todo- calidad, precio y fiabilidad. Nos gusta mucho nuestra Epson 4900 y la tinta que conseguimos de SPSI. Nos encanta el rasgado de Wasatch y nuestro chip para resetear (quizá aquí esté exagerando un poco). Básicamente ya no pienso en la película. Sé que…

How to Safely Open a Box. Really.

This seems really stupid, but I see people open boxes wrong all the time. If you are not careful you will either cut yourself or cut the items in the box. It is easy to do correctly, but for some reason everyone does it ass backwards. 1. Get a sharp knife, razor, box cutter, whatever.…

Warning: Knives are Sharp!

Some years ago we did some work for a major sporty retail brand. At one point they added to their huge book of rules that we had to put a piece of cardboard inside every box, so that they could slice open the boxes (recklessly) and not cut a shirt. I asked if instead we…

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