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Blog Page 93

What Are We Matching?

Make sure you know what you are matching when a customer has many other printed items. The file you are working from may have color indications, but if the customer has already printed brochures (well, maybe back in the days when dinosaurs ruled the earth…,) billboards, beer cans, boxes, … whatever, you had better fall…


Lon Winters is a solid dude. He is one of the best guys in what you all know is sometimes a skeezy business that we find ourselves in. He’s a fun guy to talk about screenprinting with and he’s been known to throw down a cocktail or two or… Here is a photo of him…

Good Discharge Trick

For blocking out screens for printing water-based discharge inks, regular old generic clear nail polish works very well. It holds up and that aggressive discharge ink doesn’t get through, and also importantly it reclaims fine. It isn’t expensive either. Another trick we did not follow in this situation, don’t print out so much crap on…

TBT: Back to Basics

I nearly forgot just how gratifying it is to pull a squeegee and produce prints by hand. After nearly 10 years without a manual press we finally caved.

Web Wednesday: Out Of Print

Out Of Print Clothing is a line of tees and products based on the imagery of classic and/or out of print book covers.  I love this idea.  The designs are absolutely stunning (the printing looks good too but of course it’s easy to make printing look good when you are working with great artwork. Here’s a…

Lockout, Tag-Out, or Tap-Out

We were recently audited by our workers comp carrier.  The inspector seemed to be most concerned about whether or not we have a “lockout-tag-out” center and written policy.  We do.  During similar inspections performed by OSHA and other outside parties this always seems to be the area of highest concern.  Why?  Granted, automated presses are…

Mis-Print Monday: A Bit of a Stretch

We recently ran a pre-production sample print on this 100% cotton fleece boxer.  Our client was most concerned about achieving a clean print over the seam.  Done.  However, we received a complaint that the ink was cracking at the point of the seam.  We didn’t have any of Rutland’s new Endurance Plus ink on hand…

Imprimir Sobre y Alrededor de las Cremalleras

Hoy en día hay una variedad de palés disponibles para imprimir sobre y alrededor de las cremalleras. Hace seis años o más no había tantas opciones así que opté por una solución casera que todavía usamos y consistía en un tablero cuya parte superior era de espuma…        

DIY Foam-Top Pallets

A variety of specialty pallets are available today for printing over and/or around zippers.   Six+ years ago the options were not quite what they are today and I chose a DIY approach which resulted in a foam-top pallet design which we still utilize today…      

Happy 4th!

It’s the 4th of July!  This is perhaps my favorite holiday as it presents me with a people watching paradise in the form of the East Sacramento Independence Day Parade.  This parade is billed as the oldest West of the Mississippi.  Here thousands of people congregate in an affluent neighborhood and walk around the block, the excitement is…

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